with Jeremy Van Wert
We discussed ...
The complex dynamics of being a sensitive person
Growing up with ADHD
Why we hide our sensitivity
How repeated childhood rejection creates lifelong woundings
Psychedelic medicine journeying & healing
How do we honour our sensitivity in harsh C-Suite environments?
How do we surround ourselves with real friends v fake friends?
How he discovered the power of plant medicine
Having a great psychedelic mentor
Each plant medicine has a unique purpose and effect
Exploring the beauty in the mundane
Burning out the adrenals through overworking
Am I willing to make changes in my life and be happy and healthy?
Keeping ourselves on top by slamming the rest of the Exec Board
In what way in your life do you need to take out the trash?
About my Guest:
Jeremy is a coach and thought leader, a licensed marriage and family therapist, a psychedelic therapist, a healer and host of the Mindful Mutiny podcast. Author of ‘There is More - living a life of expansiveness in a world that is not perfect’.
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How to Contact Jeremy: https://mindfulmutiny.com
More about the Truth & Transcendence Podcast:
All Episodes can be found at https://truthandtranscendence.com
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