June 24, 2022

Ep 48: Steve Hinkey - Soul, Healing, Love, Awakening & Doing the Right Thing

Ep 48: Steve Hinkey - Soul, Healing, Love, Awakening & Doing the Right Thing

Soul, Healing, Love, Awakening & Doing the Right Thing

Dr Steve began esoteric healing in the late 1970's - hands-on and hands-off diagnostic, clearing, and healing techniques.  He traveled the world for 40 years teaching doctors, healers, swamis, gurus, yogis, esotericists, scientists, and the public how to approach and heal with the Soul, using super subtle precision focus, timely key words, potent mantras, mantrams, sounds, pinpoint touching at the right time, holding and merging the Invisible with the visible, and sometimes depicting it in talismanic 'Healing Art' for ongoing support and unfolding. 

He has held over 1000 Healing Theatre events in doctor's offices, ashrams, living rooms, theatres, healing retreats, and hotel ballrooms.  Testimonials and scientific tests by top researchers prove it to be the most potent healing work ever measured.  Steve has done this with over 1200 people at a time, or as few as 1.

He lies in Highlands, North Carolina.  He sees clients and patients online, including doctors and practitioners who mentor with him. He posts Healing Art on Facebook, offers it as fine art, produces gallery shows, leads telepathic meditation groups and holds live events.  He has over 4000 Healing Drawings of participants plus 1000 drawings created during group interplay in the Invisible with each other and with the Great Lives.

I was a client of Steve’s.  I always came away liberated and transformed.  There is much to learn from him - especially now when so much healing is called for.  “Most of what we do together is not about what is said - it’s more about presences - and by the interweaving we both come out better - the world is a better place because we know each other.”

Where to find Steve
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