Jan. 6, 2025

Ep 195: Comedic Relief for 2025 Aspirations

Feeling overwhelmed by the endless tasks the new year brings? You're not alone. Diving into a comical piece from Eliezer Sobel, whose exceptional humour will surely bring some laughter to your to-do list chaos. Eli hilariously juxtaposes lofty world-changing aspirations with everyday chores like booking a dentist appointment and replacing a light bulb. This light-hearted take is a gentle reminder to find the funny side of our ambitious plans for 2025.

Join the fun as we explore Eliezer’s whimsical vision, which stretches from denuclearizing the planet and protecting wildlife, to throwing a pap smear party and attempting to reverse global warming with a dig-deep plan. Amidst the laughter, Catherine reminds us all to keep things in perspective and enjoy a moment of levity while setting our goals and missions. Whether you're attempting to save the world or just trying to get through your personal checklist, this episode promises to bring a smile to your face and perhaps a new outlook on your own journey into the year ahead.

Find Eliezer Sobel here:
Get his excellent book 'The 99th Monkey', a satirical take on the search for enlightenment, on Amazon:

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00:00:02.343 --> 00:00:07.653
Truth and Transcendence brought to you by being Space with Catherine Llewellyn.

00:00:07.653 --> 00:00:20.286
Truth and Transcendence with me, catherine Llewellyn.

00:00:20.286 --> 00:00:22.350
Happy New Year.

00:00:22.350 --> 00:00:35.465
Well, there's a lot going on in the world at the moment, and it's possible to come into the new year a bit overwhelmed and with a very, very long and complex and mad to-do list.

00:00:35.465 --> 00:00:39.792
So, where are you coming into 2025?

00:00:39.792 --> 00:00:42.695
Do you have a word for 2025?

00:00:42.695 --> 00:00:44.143
This is a thing a lot of people do.

00:00:44.143 --> 00:00:44.947
I think it's quite a good thing.

00:00:44.947 --> 00:00:46.371
Actually, do you have a word for 2025?

00:00:46.371 --> 00:00:47.073
This is a thing a lot of people do.

00:00:47.073 --> 00:00:47.774
I think it's quite a good thing.

00:00:47.774 --> 00:00:48.637
Actually, do you have a mission?

00:00:48.637 --> 00:00:48.999
Do you have goals?

00:00:48.999 --> 00:00:49.420
Do you have outcomes?

00:00:50.579 --> 00:01:00.332
I'm going to read to you today an example of just getting carried away with it all from the brilliant and incomparable Eliezer Sobel.

00:01:00.332 --> 00:01:16.117
I've so far failed to lure Eliezer onto the show, and if you enjoy this piece that I'm going to read you from Eliezer Sobel, I've so far failed to lure Ellie onto the show, and if you enjoy this piece that I'm going to read you from Ellie as a Sobel, please write in and help me to lure him on.

00:01:16.117 --> 00:01:18.102
So please listen to this and see what you think.

00:01:18.102 --> 00:01:21.447
I warn you, this is Jewish humor.

00:01:21.447 --> 00:01:29.003
Ellie is Jewish and some people don't take to that kind of humor, but I hope you enjoy it.

00:01:29.003 --> 00:01:30.105
I find it salutary.

00:01:30.105 --> 00:01:42.149
So this particular article is in Psychology Today and it was originally published in early 2019, and yet it's still relevant.

00:01:42.149 --> 00:01:50.650
So here we go, from Eliezer Sobel, the author of the 99th Monkey, and this is in the humor section of Psychology Today.

00:01:52.381 --> 00:01:56.448
My to-do list I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.

00:01:56.448 --> 00:01:57.870
It's the busy season.

00:01:57.870 --> 00:02:02.260
To-do One end homelessness.

00:02:02.260 --> 00:02:02.379

00:02:02.379 --> 00:02:03.500
End homelessness.

00:02:03.500 --> 00:02:03.819

00:02:03.819 --> 00:02:05.740
Feed the hungry.

00:02:05.740 --> 00:02:06.760

00:02:06.760 --> 00:02:10.002
Make dentist appointment with Dr Rubenstein.

00:02:10.002 --> 00:02:10.402

00:02:10.402 --> 00:02:11.902
Ask about nitrous.

00:02:11.902 --> 00:02:13.643
Refer to William James.

00:02:13.643 --> 00:02:14.843

00:02:14.843 --> 00:02:21.925
Protect wildlife Lions, tigers, elephants, frogs, bees, whales, every fish in the plastic sea.

00:02:21.925 --> 00:02:23.186

00:02:23.186 --> 00:02:24.926
Remove all plastic from sea.

00:02:24.926 --> 00:02:28.487
Ring Elon about the viability of landfill on Mars.

00:02:28.487 --> 00:02:31.408
Ask him for clean water and air ASAP.

00:02:31.408 --> 00:02:34.830
Make priority over LA Tunnel Project.

00:02:35.590 --> 00:02:35.909

00:02:35.909 --> 00:02:39.852
Denuclearize, disarm everyone everywhere.

00:02:39.852 --> 00:02:42.431
Hide sharp objects and sarin.

00:02:42.431 --> 00:02:43.772

00:02:43.772 --> 00:02:45.873
Clean, gut and rake leaves.

00:02:45.873 --> 00:02:47.153
Call deck guy for an estimate.

00:02:47.153 --> 00:02:49.335
Eight and trophy hunting.

00:02:49.335 --> 00:02:50.314

00:02:50.314 --> 00:02:53.405
Release refugee children from cages.

00:02:53.405 --> 00:02:54.960
Reunite with parents.

00:02:54.960 --> 00:02:57.562
Grant asylum to anyone who doesn't want to kill us.

00:02:58.155 --> 00:02:58.455

00:02:58.455 --> 00:03:00.944
Eliminate fossil fuels.

00:03:00.944 --> 00:03:06.627
Make planet solar-powered, wind-powered, battery-powered, yet-to-be-discovered-powered.

00:03:06.627 --> 00:03:09.342
Introduce electric transport everywhere.

00:03:09.342 --> 00:03:11.782
Elon again if he has time.

00:03:11.782 --> 00:03:13.556

00:03:13.556 --> 00:03:16.604
Replace three-way bulb in living room LED.

00:03:16.604 --> 00:03:18.146
Buy new bath mat.

00:03:18.754 --> 00:03:22.186
Fill prescriptions for Welbutin, paxil, adderall and Valium.

00:03:22.186 --> 00:03:25.743
Stop taking baby aspirin, says somebody on Facebook.

00:03:25.743 --> 00:03:37.847
Continue COQ10, omega-3s, d3b12, turmeric, magnesium, dhea, nac and all the other useless but expensive crap from Holdings Trimoringa.

00:03:37.847 --> 00:03:47.985
Twelve Reverse warming temperatures and rise of oceans Idea Dig ocean floors six feet deeper to compensate Possible, ask Elon.

00:03:47.985 --> 00:03:52.342
Thirteen Stop destroying Amazon rainforest.

00:03:52.682 --> 00:03:53.725
Effective immediately.

00:03:53.725 --> 00:04:00.864
Take ayahuasca with indigenous shaman in Peru, ditto Peyote, psilocybin, san Pedro cactus.

00:04:00.864 --> 00:04:03.288
Legalize psychedelics.

00:04:03.288 --> 00:04:07.360
Locate God, allah, brahman, christ and Buddha nature.

00:04:07.360 --> 00:04:09.364
Negotiate religious treaty.

00:04:09.364 --> 00:04:11.187
Serve them plant-based lunch.

00:04:12.194 --> 00:04:17.225
Fourteen Call Aunt Judy, still alive, and Cousin Jenny.

00:04:17.225 --> 00:04:18.408
We pap smear party.

00:04:18.408 --> 00:04:22.766
Fifteen Free all the chickens, also cows and pigs.

00:04:22.766 --> 00:04:27.319
End factory farming and animal lab testing, especially on eyes of beagles.

00:04:27.319 --> 00:04:30.947
Remove back lawn, grow arugula and snap peas.

00:04:30.947 --> 00:04:34.538
Sixteen, also front lawn.

00:04:34.538 --> 00:04:40.286
Seventeen Refreereeze Arctic ice shelf, greenland, etc.

00:04:40.286 --> 00:04:47.887
Ask Jimmy Carter if Habitat for Humanity can provide temporary housing for polar bears now balancing on one leg.

00:04:47.887 --> 00:04:49.956

00:04:49.956 --> 00:04:55.004
Cease all sex trafficking and sexual abuse of children and adults.

00:04:55.004 --> 00:04:57.447
Shoot perpetrators into outer space.

00:04:57.447 --> 00:05:20.110
Nineteen Introduce equal pay, equal opportunities, equal education, equal food distribution, equal housing and basic needs for all humans, regardless of nationality, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, skin colour, height, weight, iq, eq, enneagram, number, skills, abilities, sense of humour and pre-existing conditions.

00:05:20.110 --> 00:05:21.136

00:05:21.136 --> 00:05:25.226
Breathe, breathe again, try to breathe.

00:05:26.574 --> 00:05:27.276

00:05:27.276 --> 00:05:31.497
Cure Alzheimer's, als, asthma, autism, parkinson's Cancer, heart Disease, emphysema, arthritis, rheumatoid and Osteo.

00:05:31.497 --> 00:06:03.954
Parkinson's cancer, heart disease, emphysema, arthritis, rheumatoid and osteo lupus, diabetes, type 1, type 2, types 3 to 5, hepatitis A, b, c, d and E, cystic fibrosis, gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, lactose intolerance, meningitis, tuberculosis, herpes, chlamydia, all STDs, multiple arthrosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, epstein-barr, hashimoto's flu, shingles, hay fever, lyme disease.

00:06:03.954 --> 00:06:05.096
Heal the blind, deaf, lame and crippled Acne.

00:06:05.096 --> 00:06:05.677

00:06:05.677 --> 00:06:10.822
Schedule horseback riding lessons, volunteer meals on wheels.

00:06:10.822 --> 00:06:17.451
Take Tai Chi class or Qigong, taekwondo, jiu Jitsu or anything Asian sounding.

00:06:17.451 --> 00:06:24.136
Read an Alan Watts book.

00:06:24.136 --> 00:06:25.016
Buy matcha shoji screen and tatami mats.

00:06:25.036 --> 00:06:25.598

00:06:25.598 --> 00:06:28.923
Add MDMA to white nationalist water supply.

00:06:28.923 --> 00:06:34.509
Also alt-right Aryan magicians, kkk Hug and Neo-Nazi.

00:06:34.509 --> 00:06:37.892
Tell him most Jews are pretty funny.

00:06:38.555 --> 00:06:39.858

00:06:39.858 --> 00:06:43.947
Eliminate pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, homicides and suicides.

00:06:43.947 --> 00:06:48.310

00:06:48.310 --> 00:06:53.843
Meditate, get enlightened, become spiritual guru.

00:06:53.843 --> 00:06:55.514
Charge ton of money telling people to watch their breath In and out.

00:06:55.514 --> 00:07:00.564
Design advanced course Market to top 1% for ridiculous amount.

00:07:00.564 --> 00:07:05.800
Write the Power of Then Tell Anthony Robbins to chill out a bit.

00:07:05.800 --> 00:07:07.865

00:07:07.865 --> 00:07:11.682
Prevent global extinction of every living creature.

00:07:11.682 --> 00:07:12.826

00:07:12.826 --> 00:07:17.144
Harry's 70th birthday present Apple Watch.

00:07:17.144 --> 00:07:32.761
So you may need to have a little lie down to recover from even thinking about that to-do list and maybe look at your plans for the year and ask yourself is this what I want to do?

00:07:32.761 --> 00:07:36.728
Is this reasonable, will it stretch me and will it be fun?

00:07:36.728 --> 00:07:39.699
Thank you for listening.

00:07:39.699 --> 00:07:48.250
Tune in this coming Friday for a great conversation with Rich Friesen on healing the political divide.

00:07:48.250 --> 00:07:52.855
Have a happy and fulfilling year and I'll see you next time.

00:07:52.855 --> 00:08:00.141
Thank you for listening to Truth and Transcendence and I'll see you next time.

00:08:00.141 --> 00:08:04.463
Transformation Coaching, pellewa and the Freedom of Spirit Workshop on beingspaceworld.

00:08:04.463 --> 00:08:21.653
Have a wonderful week and I'll see you next time.