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Truth and Transcendence, brought to you by being Space with Katherine Llewellyn.
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Truth and Transcendence, episode 170, with special guest Emma Rowena Hanson.
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Episode 117 with special guest Emma Rowena Hansen.
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And Emma has come on today to talk about finding our truth, which, given I have a podcast called Truth and Transcendence, it's obvious why I'm interested in that.
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And we're going to talk about Emma, but first I'm going to tell you where you can find her, which is at emmarowenano, which I think means Norway.
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Is that right?
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That's right, yes, emmarowenano, my first Norwegian guest.
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Emma is a musician, performer, an intuitive reader, a healer, a meditation guide and a social entrepreneur, and her entire impetus is to find her own truth and assist others to find theirs.
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And we were chatting earlier about the fact that there's always another shift.
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So, no matter how much we found our own truth, there's always more to be found in due course, and as one moves on with life, one realizes there's always another shift.
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So, emma, thank you so much for coming on the show thank you.
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I'm excited to be here.
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Thank you for having me my pleasure and I I'll just say one more thing, which it really also feeds into the whole podcast, which is this idea that when we find our truth, everything changes, and when we do not find our truth or when we're denying our truth, that's when everything gets stuck.
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So when we find our truth, we find the possibility of transcendence and all of the wonderful things that go with that.
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So, emma, I'm going to jump straight in with my favorite first question, which is, if you cast your mind back, can you remember the first time that this notion of finding our truth became real for you or caught your attention?
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a truth became real for you or caught your attention.
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Well, it's actually a great question and it's a sequel of events for me actually.
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But looking back, I'm not sure I realized then that that was what I was seeing.
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But I know that part of me was connecting to my truth in these instances, and one of them is when I was a tiny little child and I was communicating with this guide of mine, asking them to not shut the door before my guide came in, that sort of thing.
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So I was connected to the greater part of me.
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That I believe is part of our truth.
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I don't believe this is my experience, so it's stronger, it's bigger than a belief.
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But in the later years, after shutting everything out, I know I've been searching for things sort of along the way, trying to discover whether I could be a psychic or discover if there were things to me that I didn't understand.
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I know also that I felt that I was blocked at some level and then suddenly I decided to communicate with these two women who had a course here in Norway it was quite a lot of media around it because one of the women is the princess, the king's daughter, and they had a course that they called the angel school.
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Now, they didn't call it that, but the press called it that because they talked to the angels.
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They were saying and I discarded that immediately because I followed the mainstream and then suddenly I decided to just send a mail and ask what do you do?
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Because I felt there was something more there.
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And they said well, you can come for an interview and we'll discuss it.
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And I didn't.
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I didn't ask to come for an interview, but they invited me.
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Six months later I got an email saying you have an interview on June 4th at 1 o'clock.
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That was the exact time and date I remember and I thought, goodness, I never asked for that.
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But then I went and what they did was they?
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They did a little reading on me and they interviewed me.
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Why did I want to join the course?
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It was a year long first and then a second.
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You could build on with two and three years.
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And uh, and I said I don't really, I just feel blocked and I know there's something in my music, in my expression, that I want to release and for some reason, maybe that's here.
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And when they did the reading, I felt so elevated, I felt so relieved had seen me for the first time and and as if I lifted my energy above my sort of heavy, fearful, dark and I'll come back to that later because, um, that's sort of the background I was coming from and my perspective of of thing being, things being heavy and myself being worthless.
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I was lifted above that and and I felt there's something I need to discover here.
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But I asked them how can you do that, how can you learn to do that?
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And they said you know, you've just forgotten.
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And then, of course, they approved me for the course because they obviously felt my energy and my, my desire was, was strong enough.
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And it was a beautiful journey through three years of digging deep, exploring, opening up, listening, learning to listen, learning to follow the images that come when you tune into your intuition.
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For me it's images.
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To some people it's through hearing stories or hearing words, some people just know and I started to understand that I was tapping into something deep within me that I had discarded and hidden and forgotten.
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And I know now that that's my core, the essence, what I call the truth, which you can call the soul, you can call it the divine connection, you can call it the higher wisdom, the inner wisdom, whatever it is, but to me, it is who I am in essence, and that is what I feel to be what I call our truth.
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How beautiful, thank you.
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So it sounds like you were kind of connected to it when you were a child and then went away from it, and you were quite brief when you described that childhood experience.
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Do you mind if I take you back to that, please?
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Do I only remember that?
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Yeah, you said something about closing the door or keeping the door open.
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Yeah, that was actually.
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That was just an incident that I remember and I didn't remember it then, but I was reminded of it later that whenever I went into a car, my parents were going to drive me off or we were going to drive off somewhere.
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I never let them close the door until my guide, my personal angel or friend, was allowed in as well.
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So, they had to give time for that energy to come in.
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So I felt there was somebody with me all the time.
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Now that's the sort of thing that adults laugh a little at oh yeah, she's got a fantasy friend.
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But to me, I know now who this energy is.
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It's still with me and it's one of my guides, what I call the, the energetic, the invisible guides, if you like, the.
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Some people call it the guardian angel, whatever it is you know.
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So it was that I, and that tells me that I know I had a lot of connection to that when I was little, but I shut it off quite quickly later and that's where the door, the other door you close.
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Yeah, yeah, yeah.
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When did, when did you shut it off?
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oh, I don't know.
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Um, I must have been four at this time, three or four when that incident happened and I think I started shutting it off not very long after that.
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And this has to do with and I see this a lot in people, people I work with, and in children as well my son I've experienced this in they have a very open perspective and view of who they really are and everything that they can access, both higher and hidden in wisdom, if you like, or invisible wisdom, until they slowly start to bring the rational mind into focus and relate to the stories and the rules and the whatever ideas that we have, the patterns, the teachings that we have in our world, that you have to think and know with your rational mind how to navigate this life.
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And it's interesting because and I think that's what happened, it was people around me had no relation to this higher perspective, or at least they didn't nourish it in themselves, or at least they didn't nourish it in themselves, so I had no guide in this world.
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As children, we do our best to become people, you know, and our surroundings teach us to become people, but on their terms and not in the term of or in the relation to who we are, the greater perspective of who we are um and our souls um.
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And I remember actually I just discovered um a post that I had posted.
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I think I must have just started social media.
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My son was five and I posted a post where he had said, or I had said to him I think I've lived longer than you, I think I know this better than you.
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And he said well, I've just come from the angels, I think I know this better than you?
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What was the topic?
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Can you remember?
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I don't remember.
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I do not remember, but there was something that's the only quote I put there and I know that he had a lot of information that he kept getting in Because I had started my training at that point and I had started opening up.
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And he helped me to open up Because that was the other aspect you asked when did I start to see that I had a different truth or had a truth in me?
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He opened my heart.
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I started connecting to the fact that I actually have love in my heart through his entering into my life.
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Of course, yeah.
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And before that, my life was governed by fear fear of not being good enough, as a lot of people did, and fear of not being clever enough, as a lot of people do.
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And the fear of not being clever enough, good looking enough, everything you know and of doing the wrong thing, of not understanding the codes of this life that people give you from their own different perspectives.
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So it's a very confusing reality, and when you've not learned to continue to listen to your inner voice as a child, you start adopting what they show you.
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But I think I tried to help at least my son to stay a bit longer with his intuition and he still does it but at some point he shut it off, and I know why because he experienced some frightening things.
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He didn't protect himself and at that time I didn't know well enough how to help him protect himself right from from energies that are imbalanced.
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Yeah, um, so we're touching a little bit, um, the supernatural here.
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That's what people call it.
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To me it's natural.
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I don't believe in evil forces.
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I know there is darkness, I know there is heaviness, I know, but to me that is energy and love in outer balance, and I think that's what happens when we lose touch with our truth.
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I believe our truth lies in our coming from love, from unconditional divine love.
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Putting layers of confused information on top of that heart or that love of that essence, that core things get out of balance, and that's, I think, also when we start to sometimes nourish the more destructive emotions and forces in us and thoughts, and it's a loop sort of the thoughts nourish the emotions and the other way around.
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And I think when you start to listen or I feel and I experience and I see it in my clients and I see it in my son when you start to allow the actual voices and the emotions in you to speak to you and you understand that it's pure information of where you are, how balanced or imbalanced you are in relation to your truth and your core, then you can start to reconnect to your core and let them go.
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They don't have to be your guide anymore.
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Guides, that was a long rant?
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No, not at all.
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No, I love the way you describe it.
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I mean, some of what you're talking about seems to relate to what I might think of as stagnation or congestion.
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Yeah, and then you get a buildup which can manifest as darkness, or pain, or distress, or even illness.
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Ultimately, Absolutely so.
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The stagnation is, in a way, part of it.
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I think, also what we do.
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You're absolutely right, there is a stagnation, the lower energies, the dense energies, that we call it.
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You can feel it.
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You can feel the difference between the guilt and the grief and the anger and the fear.
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It's like a congestion, as you said, whereas when you're in a free flow, when you open up, when you let go, there is a much, much lighter feeling to it and to me, that's the information.
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When you're in touch with that lightness, you're in touch with your essence, because it matches the flow of life, the flow of love.
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It balances with your core and that core has to be in, in my experience, love and creation, yeah, uh, and when you're there, you also have the peace.
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So, um, but part of what we do, when we have these emotions, we try especially when you're looking for truth and when you're looking to heal, you try to reject those emotions.
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So you give them a lot of attention as you reject them and you solidify them even more sometimes, yeah, and that's also part of that's also, I think, a lot of the reason why people find they do not heal, even though they try all these things because they're trying to reject that which does not do them any good.
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But it's just information and if you can understand and embrace yourself in understanding or accepting that density as your information, that density as your information, and almost like you're consoling a child who's in pain or you're sort of comforting somebody who's struggling, comfort yourself, or ah, that's how it feels to not be in balance.
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It's quite natural to feel like this because I've lost my path a little bit.
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I'll embrace myself for it like I would a little child.
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And then you start to come in touch with that self-love and the love and the nourishment and then your truth starts to be allowed to come through, it starts to open up.
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And it's a lot to do, I find, with daring to listen to that which is within and your voice, your emotions, your thoughts.
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It's daring to not neglecting or rejecting or pushing them away, but acknowledging, and then you can say, ah, but I don't need those.
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They're telling me that I'm a little out of balance.
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Now, sometimes you need help to do this, but it's a beautiful, beautiful experience Once you start to manage to see and sense this and use the.
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And you talked about shifts and you were saying before that when's my next shift?
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They come when you actually come across these contrasts or these frictions of who you are in relation to what your life is showing you or your old patterns are bringing forward to you again, and you manage to somehow break through or at least step aside a little bit and say, ah, this is a shift, but I still have myself.
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I can release them, I can break through them, I can fight them.
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That'll take a little longer, but my truth is always behind there.
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Yeah, yeah so it's remembering that our truth is always there, always present, always, always there, and that sometimes there's a friction between that and something that's showing up for us in our lives or, yes, in our emotionality, or whatever it might be.
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But that's the opportunity for the shift exactly, and that's that's the most powerful opportunity that you have.
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And somebody once told me your soul, so you always have your soul.
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Now, this is something that I found so helpful for me is to recognize that I always have me.
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I cannot lose me because I am simply, you know, I am.
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Our soul is here.
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Our souls are I experience it eternal.
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So we're here to experience the friction and to work through it and to find a way, I think, to to embrace ourselves and and elevate ourselves, um, to such a degree that we can rekindle the joy and the love that we come from.
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That's what I think this life is all about.
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And I think what people, when you realize that you always have your soul, and then this woman that taught me quite a few things, christy Marie Sheldon she does online courses she said your soul loves you so much that when you say to yourself I'm going to shift now or I'm going to heal or I'm going to change my life, it will say great, and I'll show you all the things that are blocking you and I'll bring them forward, and I'll bring them until they're done.
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So your patterns, and if you don't hear it and if you don't manage, they'll come forward even stronger until you get it, but you will always as long as you're on the search.
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I have this experience and I believe that you will always find it as long as you want.
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You have the intention to heal and find your truth Beautiful.
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It reminds me of when I bought an apartment and I wanted to have it redecorated and they came in and before they could redecorate we had to strip off the moldy wallpaper and let the wool dry out and all the mold die.
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We had to dig out the rotten bits of wool.
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We had to smooth it all down.
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All of that took a lot, lot longer and then they could decorate it right, but we wouldn't have done all of that.
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No, exactly right at the end of it.
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It was beautiful, yeah, and actually the fact we'd gone through that whole process I mean, they did the majority of the work, but you know I was present throughout it actually made the whole thing that much more satisfying, because we knew we had, we'd created the foundation for exactly bring about we haven't just papered over.
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You know what some people do is they get thick wallpaper over the top of the wall.
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It doesn't work.
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Maybe another layer yeah, and then it'll eventually come through.
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It will not give up until you've taken it out, all the molds and whatever you know it's there to to be released.
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So, yes, it is quite powerful and and and you talked about foundation, and and I have a book that I released now in july and the whole book is a little bit about.
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It's a testimony that I've dedicated to my son, because whenever he wants to start to, to search, I'm hoping that some of my uh learnings and some of the experiences I've had might help him if he wants to look into that.
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But it's also it's for young people and it's for parents and it's for people on a search, because in the book, as I say, in the beginning my life used to be based on fear.
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My foundation was fear because I was not in contact with my core and my essence.
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I didn't realize that I always have myself and that that myself is beautiful and lovable.
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Yes, on the contrary, I was completely filled with fear and every choice I made was fear ridden, and and.
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Then I came to this course and I started opening up and my son came into my life.
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It was the other way around my son first, and then this course, and, and, and I started to understand that things could be different.
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But I only started to understand that after having taken some steps and after having followed some, some teachings and and done some work on myself and learned to read other people and work on them and and and see what what sort of this whole picture of of tension and release and tension and release that I think we're all going through in our lives because we are in a different dimension, that our nature is.
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I think you've had some programs around that.
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I think your audience probably knows a little bit about that.
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But um, uh and um, what I find is that, um, going through, uh, this tension and release and never.
00:23:06.089 --> 00:23:08.523
I'm sorry, I lost my train a little bit there.
00:23:08.523 --> 00:23:12.977
There's something coming in here.
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Okay, just a minute.
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I'm sorry, katherine, I just completely lost my there's plenty of time yeah, so, yeah, I'll share.
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So that was the foundation with the fear.
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Um, I must have tapped into a little bit of fear here because something really started to shift here.
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It's so interesting because and I have to, this is going to be a different tangent for a moment here because when I stopped before I joined this call, I sat down meditating.
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I said, okay, let me bring in the higher energy that I do when I do a reading.
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When I do a reading, I see the images and I follow them, I follow the guidance from above and then it it just flows.
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But when I meet some obstacle, it's usually an obstacle that matches my own obstacles that I haven't released here, and I think there was some of the old fear from my old foundation that came in to haunt me a little bit here.
00:24:07.351 --> 00:24:11.038
And so it's interesting, you're getting a right sort of live reading bit here.
00:24:11.661 --> 00:24:14.017
Um what you're demonstrating something.
00:24:14.017 --> 00:24:16.549
I'm just going to say you're demonstrating something.
00:24:16.549 --> 00:24:23.691
Yeah, exactly what you're demonstrating is that you are human and you are alive and you're on a journey.
00:24:24.211 --> 00:24:36.041
You're not, you're not a cutout, no, exactly so it's yeah, it's quite interesting to me, um, to sit here on this um and talk with you when this happens.
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What I wanted to share a little bit about is how, when I started to pick up these teachings and I started to experience and see other people's journeys and do readings with other people and see the whole picture, I also started to understand that my foundation or rather, I didn't understand that my foundation was shifting, but it started to shift.
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And then, a little bit later, I realized that my foundation was now not based on fear, but it was based on empowerment, on self-love, on understanding that there is magic in this world.
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That's what I wanted to come to.
00:25:19.894 --> 00:25:24.153
Okay, good, yes, that's what I was.
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I've got lots of support here, and this is not just for me.
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This is support because I asked for before this talk.
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I asked to bring forward something that could touch people out there.
00:25:35.517 --> 00:25:37.930
00:25:37.930 --> 00:25:39.413
I asked to to bring forward something that could touch people out there.
00:25:39.452 --> 00:26:13.760
It's the magic of understanding that you can shift your entire life simply by being you and by listening to you, and that goes whatever you're doing, and I know you talk a lot to leaders and I have a very strong sense that I want to work with young people that's the social entrepreneur in me and helping them to find the leadership in their heart so they can become the future's new leaders of the heart.
00:26:14.221 --> 00:26:28.141
Yes, yes, and they need to understand and listen to themselves in order to be able to do so authentically, and I believe that this is where we will go.
00:26:28.141 --> 00:26:47.964
We can go and I wish to take part in it, but I think we all have a part to play in this, and every time we step into our own journey of healing and love, we help the next generation to do so.
00:26:47.964 --> 00:27:12.159
Whenever we, as parents and this is one of the reasons I spoke wrote the book whenever we, as parents, step into our own journey of releasing the old way of doing it and daring to be authentic guides for our children, but first of all ourselves, because that's where it starts we help the young generation to create a different world.
00:27:13.442 --> 00:27:14.002
I think you're right.
00:27:14.002 --> 00:27:20.594
I think you're right, I think you're right and, as you said beautifully, your child is also your teacher.
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So there's a beautiful figure of eight cycle.
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You know where you, as a child, were your own teacher and your child now is your teacher.
00:27:33.304 --> 00:27:36.662
And you, as an adult, were your own teacher and your child now is your teacher.
00:27:36.662 --> 00:27:41.377
And you, as an adult, are affirming the child that you were and affirming the child that you have brought into the world.
00:27:41.377 --> 00:27:47.240
Yeah, and now you're looking to help young people find the leader within.
00:27:47.240 --> 00:27:51.258
Yes, and I love what you said about the magic.
00:27:51.258 --> 00:27:54.460
Let me see if I can give it back, because I felt it was so strong.
00:27:54.460 --> 00:28:05.844
The magic is realizing that you can change your life by listening to yourself and being who you are.
00:28:05.844 --> 00:28:06.845
Was that what?
00:28:06.865 --> 00:28:12.076
you said yes, uh, and there's an element, see.
00:28:12.076 --> 00:28:14.500
Okay, here's where my guidance is coming in.
00:28:14.500 --> 00:28:19.306
So I hope you forgive me for being suddenly in a bit of a state of being guided here as well.
00:28:19.306 --> 00:28:21.501
I asked for it.
00:28:21.865 --> 00:28:22.210
No, I love it.
00:28:23.070 --> 00:28:35.799
Because there's a very, very strong message coming through, through a lot of people working to help other people with this kind of guidance, that we can elevate and we should.
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And this is this strong, strong desire in the universe and in more and more people down here now to elevate this world and to help us understand that we have so much more that we can be and share and do in ourselves, simply by being ourselves.
00:29:00.583 --> 00:29:28.191
now, having said that, okay, having said that it's not something we have to force through and it's not something we have to fight to do, it's something we can allow yeah and the allowance is the big healing, because when you allow, and that's where and now, there's a big, big stream of light coming through with that word, and it's a big word for us.
00:29:28.230 --> 00:29:50.721
And I've heard some of your other guests talk about the allowing as well, and I know you have as well allowing the light, allowing yourself to come through, stepping back a little bit and allowing your soul, your light, your intuition, your heart to breathe out.
00:29:50.721 --> 00:29:56.521
And it can happen in elevated moments in meditation.
00:29:56.521 --> 00:30:04.378
But it can also happen in tiny little practical things, like you do something that you really enjoy, you say something nice to somebody.
00:30:04.378 --> 00:30:12.454
That is letting that light out, you embrace yourself, you embrace somebody else.
00:30:12.454 --> 00:30:25.253
You make sure to I know you've talked about gratitude as well to to remember something to be grateful for all these practices is part of this allowing your light, your truth, to come forward.
00:30:25.253 --> 00:30:31.212
And when we start to do that, we start to connect in that more and more.
00:30:31.212 --> 00:30:39.056
And that's, I think, when, when not only our individual foundation starts to shift but the foundation of humanity.
00:30:39.056 --> 00:30:41.741
And I'm talking big words here, but this is where we're going.
00:30:42.309 --> 00:30:48.481
I think I agree, 100%, absolutely, and the way you describe it.
00:30:48.481 --> 00:30:54.842
What strikes me is it sounds like you're talking about allowing something that wants to happen.
00:30:54.842 --> 00:30:55.395
Yes, definitely.
00:30:55.395 --> 00:31:08.421
And it's about not getting in the way of that we're talking about allowing something that wants to happen yes, it wants to happen, and it's about not getting in the way of that, opening ourselves to allow that to come through, but in such a way that we're changed by that process.
00:31:11.891 --> 00:31:18.844
And it'll take time, because we have all patterns of fear and restriction and rationality.
00:31:18.844 --> 00:31:29.353
So coming to terms with these things and understanding that these are actually not necessary for us takes sometimes time.
00:31:29.353 --> 00:31:45.103
And being kind to ourselves as we fall back to our little patterns or as we um these old patterns that are wanting to be released come forward to, to show us what we're struggling with.
00:31:45.103 --> 00:31:56.000
Embracing ourselves in that, I think, is really really important so that we can um honor, um the journey for ourselves and that we're actually taking it.
00:31:56.000 --> 00:31:59.433
We're here, we're doing it yes, we are.
00:31:59.595 --> 00:32:00.355
We're on the path.
00:32:00.917 --> 00:32:10.739
Yes, it is happening it is happening and it can be terrifying because it's so some, sometimes so different from what we think it should be.
00:32:10.739 --> 00:32:22.809
Um, I also want to say there are a few things, there are many things that that I have discovered and, as I was writing the book as well, many things that came to me, such as the mind and the body.
00:32:22.809 --> 00:32:29.884
We talk often of the mind as being something in the way of our elevation yeah, or our release.
00:32:29.884 --> 00:32:37.084
Our mind is our helper, our tool, but it's been wrongly instructed.
00:32:37.084 --> 00:32:41.795
We can re-instruct it, we can use it, we can love our mind.
00:32:41.795 --> 00:32:53.656
Our mind helps us to communicate, to do things, to touch, to explore, to put things together and to investigate the physics behind it, or the spiritual, if you like.
00:32:53.656 --> 00:32:55.477
I know a lot of people do that as well.
00:32:55.477 --> 00:33:06.672
Work out how to use Zoom for instance.
00:33:06.692 --> 00:33:08.713
Yes, and how to create zoom, you know, yeah thank you to that person.
00:33:08.733 --> 00:33:13.739
Yeah, I mean seriously, and there are some fantastic things that we can do with our mind.
00:33:13.739 --> 00:33:22.007
We can also teach it to help us in a good way for the new path that we're looking for.
00:33:22.007 --> 00:33:35.704
So we can give it tasks such as in meditation, rather than scolding ourselves, for we think we do it wrongly when our thoughts get in the quote-unquote way, do it wrongly when our thoughts get in the quote-unquote way.
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We can give it the task of okay, give me something to focus on, full focus on a breath or a sound, and that is a meditative state and your mind is helping you.
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In my readings, when I work with clients, when I started to trust it, I realized I always start with an abstract image and I've told myself my mind to trust, to go with the image and to follow it.
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And then I don't know when my soul or intuition takes over, but it does quite quickly.