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Truth and Transcendence, brought to you by being Space with Catherine Llewellyn.
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Truth and Transcendence, episode 164, with special guest Clive DeKalb Now Clive.
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I don't know if you've heard of Clive, but he's actually a rock star in the natural health space, although Clive, as a true Brit, prefers to describe himself as a bloke who knows some stuff.
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So you can take that any way you like, but Clive's actually been beavering away for over 30 years in the natural health space helping thousands of clients transform their health, and not in a mainstream fashion.
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So he's a man of my own heart, because that's how I was brought up as well, and I think this is becoming more and more recognized now that actually maybe the body can heal itself and if we help it, maybe that's a good thing.
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So today we're going to be talking about natural health and also the power of the mind, which is another of my favorite topics and something that Clive has a very strong connection with.
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So I'm going to, right up front, tell you how to find Clive.
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The website is clivedecarlecom, c-l-i-v-e-d-e-c-a-r-l-ecom, and he's also got a secret health club, which is, if you want to find out all sorts of secrets about natural health that Clive is not allowed to publish in the public domain.
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You can join his secret health club, which is not allowed to publish in the public domain.
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You can join his secret health club, which is secrethealthclubcom, and I personally swear by his magnesium blend, his fulvic minerals and his iodine Highly recommended.
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So, clive, thank you so much for coming on the show.
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Well, thank you very much for inviting me, catherine.
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Thank you, thank you so much for coming on the show.
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Well, thank you very much for inviting me, catherine.
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Thank you.
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I've seen you in all sorts of videos and conversations all over the place telling people these marvelous things about how their body can heal itself with the right kind of assistance.
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But I didn't know until we spoke last time in the prequel about your connection with the power of the mind.
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So I'd love to ask you about that to begin with.
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So is this something you've kind of been connected to for a long time, or is it something that's more recent for you?
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I mean, what was your sort of earliest engagement with this idea of the power of the mind?
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Well, when I was about 10, I was invited to go fishing and it was in waters that were crystal clear.
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You could see the fish, you could see everything, and on top of that we had a bucket with a glass bottom which you could put in the water.
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And now everything was absolutely clear, like wearing a snorkel mask, and uh, we reached fishing and I didn't want to put the live maggot on the hook to start with and I was dreading taking the hook out of the fish's mouth if I actually caught one person I was with caught lots of fish, just one after another after another, and we could see that the fish were totally ignoring my bait and were just going to his.
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There's a bit of frenzy around here's nothing around mine.
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We swap fishing lines immediately.
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Well, in a few seconds the fish realized, hang on, something's changed and they go over to what was my line and go mental.
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So he caught a whole bundle of fish.
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I just caught sunstroke and I realized that, while I couldn't read the fish's mind, it was apparent to me that they knew I didn't want to catch them because I didn't want to hurt them, so they weren't giving themselves up to me gosh, and how old were you then when this happened?
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about 10, wow so I think, possibly the next thing that happened to me maybe was that, um, I suddenly am floating on the ceiling, all my cares and worries have disappeared and there's what appears to be my dead body lying in a very odd shape on the ground.
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So I experienced total release from all cares and worries and I realized that, uh, actually, if that was death, that it's fantastic and you'll still you.
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Uh, yes, you haven't got a body anymore, but that's irrelevant.
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So, um, over the years, you know I I took an antibiotic 40 years ago which left me with so bad, so appalling rheumatoid arthritis.
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I couldn't get dressed or walk and they shoved me in hospital for weeks.
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They tried to offer me drugs.
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I say I'm not low on drugs, it's not my problem and I worked out in hospital what was wrong with me.
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I'd, the antibiotic that I'd taken for something ridiculously trivial had knocked out my microbiome and I couldn't absorb food properly anymore.
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So I got wheeled out of the hospital, started taking vitamins and minerals and change my diet a little bit, and all the rheumatoid arthritis went away.
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So be careful of antibiotics.
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They're not as one might think anyway.
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So that put me on a path of having healed myself.
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I was interested in healing other people, so I started studying, uh and learning about natural medicine and.
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But the interesting part, I think, is a few years back I had one of my best results ever.
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Um, somebody came to me.
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They were in pain, they couldn't see very well and they had brain fog.
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Anyway, I wired them up to four devices that I was using at the time.
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At the end of an hour they were completely fixed pain gone, eyesight clear, brain clear.
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And I looked over and I'd forgotten to switch the machines on.
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Out of the mind.
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That's fascinating, isn't it?
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And presumably they thought the machines were on you both.
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Oh, absolutely, and I wasn't about to tell them they hadn't been no that probably would have undone it.
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But you know, prior to to that, you know, 20 odd years ago, um, if you'd asked me what do you do, I might said to you well, I use hypnosis as my primary tool and the use of words has been incredibly effective.
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And to give you an example, let's say I'm trying to get somebody out of pain With what I now know.
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I can usually get most people out of chronic pain in five minutes.
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It's not so hard.
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So what I do is I say how much pain you intense agony give it.
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Give us a number and they say whatever.
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One out of six out of ten they might say so after I've done a treatment with them, I won't say how's the pain now, for instance, I get them to look for something non-existent.
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I say has it gone?
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If you look for pain, you will find it.
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If you look for gone, there's nothing to find.
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Ah, interesting.
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So I always say has it gone Now?
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If they say, well, it's gone from 6 out of 10 to 3 out of 10, then I can say, well, look, we've only done a couple of minutes, that's fantastic, let's now get it to zero.
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So I'm constantly using the right wording to have to pre-predict the answer without saying you will.
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I'm using words like you, other people like you usually find, and then you can change your intonation when you're speaking to somebody to switch a normal sentence into a command.
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A lot of people like you often get better right away.
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Yeah, obviously, your command to get better right away.
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So I know I'm happy to use every trick in the book.
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I don't care what gets people well yes yes, if I can talk them well, well, that's great so you're sort of predisposing them to the to the good results, rather than predisposing them to the bad results.
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Well, exactly, I mean, what's the worst thing that can happen?
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Somebody goes to the doctor.
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The doctor says you've got three months left to live.
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And you believe it.
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If you believe it, you're probably dying in three months' time.
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Yeah, you know, loads of people obviously have just rejected that whole notion.
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Don't be ridiculous.
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And, you know, haven't died on time.
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One of the reasons, by the way, that they can say so accurately, you've got six months left to live is that nobody on the drug I'm going to put you on has lived past six months you've got six months left to live and I'm going to make sure of it by giving you these pills.
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yeah, which is sad, we but it is sad, oh right.
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So I had no idea that you'd work in a kind of hypnotic way with people.
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You've got the perfect voice for it, clive, haven't you this?
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marvellous resonant voice, which is delightful.
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So what do you think?
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Which is delightful?
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We had this brief conversation when we were talking before this thing about how different people respond to the same situation.
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I've known a lot of people take antibiotics and suffer as a result and not become natural health experts, not realize their body could heal themselves.
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So what do you think it is about you?
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That kind of meant that you took that path instead of taking the what you might call the victim path in response to that situation what you might call the victim path.
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In response to that situation.
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Um, well, I mean years ago, 20 odd years ago, I was studying survivors.
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What was it that?
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For instance, let's say cancer or something what the survivors and there aren't that many of them long term I wanted to know what they'd done right, and I was expecting them to say things like well, it was a combination of vitamin c and vitamin d and magnesium or something.
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You know, that's what I was expecting.
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But literally nine out of ten uh, said the same thing.
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They said it was gratitude.
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I said what do you mean?
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And and they would say things like well, I hated it.
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When this illness, whatever it was, first happened, uh, it was a nightmare.
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This could even apply to a loss of a child or something equally terrible.
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Um, I hated it.
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I, you know, it was just awful, awful, awful.
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And then suddenly I realized that, uh, illness doesn't happen to you, it happens for you.
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The body never goes wrong.
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The body might adapt to being poisoned, it might adapt to being malnourished, but it's never going to let you down, it's just going to adapt.
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So if somebody gets some sort of illness, there is a reason for it.
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It could be that their diet has been rubbish.
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It could be that the water's not good.
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It could be they got raped as a child and never gone over it.
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It could be that they're married to the wrong person.
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It could be a whole host of different things.
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Um so uh, they got to the stage where, if you like, the trauma, for instance, had been released.
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They'd now changed or realized what they had to change in their life and actually become grateful to the illness because it woke them up.
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They realized it happened for me.
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It didn't happen to me.
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I'm not the victim.
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This was a wake-up call.
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If it's something serious, well it's a hell of a wake-up call.
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It means you've been getting things wrong for a long time eating, eating wrong foods for a long time, being in the wrong job, whatever it might be.
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That's really interesting.
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That just reminded me of a friend of mine who got some sort of horrible stomach cancer and he didn't realize he had the cancer until he'd had it for quite a long time, and so he was then dying and I used to go and visit him and he told me that he learned that one of the things that people who get cancer have in common this is what he was telling me was that they were not open to receiving love.
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They had a block on receiving love, and when he realized that he cracked open and started receiving love and he experienced so much love in that last period of his life.
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He still died, but he had a complete transformation of his experience of being human in that last period of his life.
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That really, really struck me when he told me, because he was a wreck physically at this point.
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He could barely move, he was in real, terrible pain, but he'd had this insight and it took the disease to get him to reach out and do the research because he thought there's something here I need to understand.
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I can't ignore it anymore.
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Does that resonate with what you were talking about?
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Well, very much so.
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I mean, you know, if there's a reason for everything, if everything happens for a reason, then surely if we get ill, the next steps should be to recognize the cause, remedy the situation, get better and teach others how to avoid it in the first place.
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So the second one was forgiveness.
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Obviously it in the first place.
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Yes, so the second one was forgiveness.
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Obviously, you know, after gratitude came forgiveness of the others and forgiveness of yourself, because at the end of the day, nobody's ever made a mistake.
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Right, it may seem like that in retrospect, but at the time, all the stupid things we've ever done, we thought it was going to be the right thing to do at the time.
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Yes, but stupid.
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So you never made a mistake made.
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You made some really stupid choices and people would be I made such a mistake, you didn't.
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You pressed the fun button and maybe you regretted it or whatever.
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Yes, yes.
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Or you didn't let yourself press the fun button because you thought you should do something else, and then you learned from it, Just equally yes.
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I'm going to take that on board.
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Clive, actually that sort of went in.
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When you said just then about self-forgiveness and not having made a mistake, something in my spirit just went.
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Oh really, that's really nice to hear.
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That is a beautiful message.
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Actually, I think a lot of people.
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If they just actually reflected on that message, I can see how that makes such a difference you.
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That was the old you.
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You can now allow yourself to say well, where should the past be?
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Is it right in front of my face?
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Am I thinking about the past all the time?
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The past should be behind you, right, and you can literally choose to put it behind you and be grateful to it, because the more mistakes you made, or the more bad choices you took, the better, because, I mean, you know, I got to stage at one point, having been very wealthy, to having nothing and having to start again, and at that point it was super useful because, although I didn't like it much, um, my ego got shredded in in, I think, a positive way.
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You know, uh and um, uh, yeah, if I haven't gone that far to the bottom, I don't think I'd be have been able to get where I am now, which is happy and content and and stuff yeah and being the better it could be do you think it changed your, uh, your, your sort of personal capacities or qualities, going through that experience?
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well, I lost a bit of ego, which was pretty valuable.
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But I've had lots of really interesting lessons in my life.
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I mean, when I was on my way down, I was sitting at home on the floor feeling so sorry for myself.
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I was really in the most miserable place you can imagine.
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And the phone rings and I go over to the phone.
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Hello, and I'm so happily married but it's this incredibly sexy girl on the phone and I know that nothing's going to happen.
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But I'm so excited that this incredibly sexy girl is ringing me that I went from utter misery to exaltation in two seconds flat.
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I said oh my god, you know I did that.
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A phone call did that a bit of non-reality, did that?
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surely I'm in more control than I had previously believed yeah, well, well, certainly capable of switching your experience from one thing to another.
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How did you know she was sexy if she was just on the phone?
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I'd met her.
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Oh, you knew her right.
00:17:13.887 --> 00:17:16.963
How wonderful.
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I love that.
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Yeah, but sometimes it's these little tiny things that actually change the whole course of your life in a way.
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Yeah, I mean that's very memorable.
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I can resonate to that because I've had moments when I've been sort of wallowing in my pain, the disaster of my life, and what am I even for All those thoughts, and then someone rings me up and goes hello, what's going on?
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And suddenly, oh, my life's terrible, I'm dying.
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Well, I well, I love you.
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Damn it, they've broken my mood I'm so selfish of them I had a friend who used to say I've only got one friend, but he used to say that to all his friends if he had many right.
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So when I asked you the question about about what was it in you that sort of responded to the whole antibiotic nightmare situation in the way that you did.
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It sounds like you were kind of very curious.
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Would you say that was right.
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Why did you not just go oh right, I'm broken, that's it.
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Why did you not?
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just go oh right, I'm broken, that's it.
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Well, because I didn't believe it.
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I didn't believe it.
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It was very interesting because as I got iller and iller and could do less and less and less, you know, stairs became impossible, and then cutting things I mean everything became really, really difficult.
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The weird thing is I would have previously said that if I ever got to that stage, I'd probably want to just commit suicide and be over.
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But it was the opposite.
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I I was sort of stronger for it.
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It didn't deplete my will in any way.
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I was expecting it to.
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I would have expected it to, but it didn't.
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Actually, and despite being incredibly limited in what I could suddenly do, I was still confident there had to be an answer.
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I mean, that's just how it seemed to me.
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Yeah, so you were much more resilient than you thought you would be.
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Yes, yes, yeah.
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And do you think you know you've worked with a lot of people now Do you find that in the people you work with that they're more resilient than they think they're going to be.
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Well, I think that is the human condition that you just adapt to where you are and get on with it.
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That's what it seems.
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I mean, obviously some people have misery guts and are going to spend their life enjoying themselves by complaining to other people who like suffering.
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And there must be some chemical in the brain that responds to suffering, because people like wallowing in self-pity.
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Yeah, that's true, and I know a number of people who like to do that.
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I mean, I've got to say these are people I don't spend an enormous amount of time with, because it's not really.
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It's the opposite of what you were talking about in the way you talk to people, when you say has the pain gone, as opposed to saying so, how bad is the pain now and how much of your body is overwhelmed by the pain, which completely goes in the opposite direction, doesn't it?
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I mean it must be miserable for you.
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Yeah, it is, I hadn't thought about it before.
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Yeah, it's miserable, I can only imagine what you must be suffering.
00:20:36.663 --> 00:20:37.144
Oh yes.
00:20:39.281 --> 00:20:39.904
I love that.
00:20:39.904 --> 00:20:43.346
So did you actually train in hypnosis or did you just kind of?
00:20:43.587 --> 00:20:44.230
Yeah, I did.
00:20:44.932 --> 00:20:45.132
00:20:46.621 --> 00:20:50.411
And there's a book called Get the Life you Want.
00:20:50.411 --> 00:20:54.188
Get the Life you Want by Richard Bandler.
00:20:54.188 --> 00:21:05.952
Richard Bandler has a mixed reputation because he's the guy who started NLP neurolinguistic programming but like anything, you know, a knife can butter your bread or it can stab somebody.
00:21:05.952 --> 00:21:09.247
Hypnosis can be used in any way you like.
00:21:09.247 --> 00:21:10.530
You know any direction.
00:21:10.530 --> 00:21:14.810
So a lot of people have used this in a direction that's been manipulative, let's say.
00:21:14.810 --> 00:21:19.760
But what I learned was fantastic and I don't.
00:21:19.760 --> 00:21:34.796
You know mainly the bits I've taken from it's all sorts of techniques, you know you could ask people questions to see where they look, see what part of brain they're responding, to see if they're telling the truth or not many things that I was taught, but I never used any of those.
00:21:35.478 --> 00:22:10.977
I just used the words yeah yeah, that's so powerful yes, well, the thing you, the thing you were saying about wrapping the command within what you're saying, um, I remember learning that because we studied nlp back in the 80s as well, and I remember people were mostly learning to that, um, as part of being able to influence people to buy things exactly that's whereas you're influencing people to well, buy themselves by themselves, I suppose, to kind of activate themselves, to heal themselves, but using the exact same technique.
00:22:10.997 --> 00:22:16.023
I mean, it's the first time I've heard somebody using that particular technique for that particular purpose.
00:22:16.023 --> 00:22:22.201
Yeah, did you come up with that idea yourself, or or did you know a?
00:22:22.240 --> 00:22:26.636
lot of it I've inherited and I've read a lot of books by some of the famous siblings.
00:22:26.636 --> 00:22:28.364
Uh, so a lot of it.
00:22:28.364 --> 00:22:33.726
I've picked up from other people, most of it, and then you know bits and pieces I suddenly realized were embellished or whatever.
00:22:33.726 --> 00:22:38.152
But, um, you know, they're being really, really good teachers out there.
00:22:38.152 --> 00:22:53.213
Um, there's one one uh guy his name is mccall m mc c o double l, who has some fantastic recordings that he made and a couple of books, which is just brilliant.
00:22:53.213 --> 00:23:01.760
Uh, there's one that I read called hypnosis for conscious consciousness wow and that was very interesting.
00:23:01.780 --> 00:23:03.444
I learned some of their techniques.
00:23:03.545 --> 00:23:21.086
For instance, one of the techniques was um, uh, you, you take them up, you have them start in a beautiful garden, then you have them float up up the mountains up to a peak and they're really, really high.
00:23:21.086 --> 00:23:24.067
Then you allow them to, you know, take in the view and everything.
00:23:24.067 --> 00:23:30.748
Then you say that they'll set, they're safely going to go out into space and float about.
00:23:30.748 --> 00:23:42.077
And then you start suggesting that there's a star over there which is beaming sort of goldy, diamondy light and you're absorbing it right in so many many things you can play with.
00:23:42.077 --> 00:23:52.971
And you can get them to come out of their body and look at their body and watch nasty fumes and vapors of all different browns and nasty colors come out of them.
00:23:52.971 --> 00:24:01.776
And then you can get them, for instance, to see themselves the perfect version of themselves standing out there and getting them to embrace their perfect vision of themselves.
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Standing out there and getting them to embrace their, their perfect vision of themselves.
00:24:04.569 --> 00:24:10.469
You can get them to sort of turn around and they're all their ancestors, going absolutely back in time.