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Truth and Transcendence brought to you by being Space with Catherine Llewellyn.
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Truth and Transcendence, episode 148, with special guest Sandy.
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Stream 148, with special guest Sandy Stream Now, if you haven't come across Sandy, she's an author and activist whose work is built on the belief that everyone deserves and is capable of finding peace and warrior-like strength within themselves.
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After teaching law for 20 years, raising her two children and facing a life full of adversities and lessons, sandy decided to turn her efforts towards facilitating workshops for both young and experienced adults to encourage them to live in peace and power.
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Her wonderful book, the Courage Circle and I'm going to read part of the blurb from that book is about power, but not the kind you're used to seeing on TV or in politics.
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That's force, not power.
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It's a book about finding peace inside, but then not just sitting there but getting up and doing what you need to do in the world.
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It's about feeling confident, not being arrogant, superior or trying to prove anything, just relaxed confidence by just being yourself.
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It's about coming out of the most difficult emotional situations strong and soft at the same time.
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I just love that.
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We're going to be talking today about inherent goodness, and I'll say a bit more about that in a moment, but I love the notion of inherent goodness.
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It's actually a core principle of humanistic psychology, which is my background, and I find it profoundly helpful.
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And I really wanted Sandy to come on because I love her approach, which is thoughtful, incisive and discriminating and also gently and supportively human, which is a lovely combination.
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So, sandy, thank you so much for coming on the show Very happy to be here with you, catherine.
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I just love your tone of voice, so I'm actually super excited to do this today with you.
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Fantastic, Thank you.
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So this idea of inherent goodness.
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I'm just going to say a little bit about it as to why I think it's a relevant topic for everybody, because at the moment, all the time in the world actually, I've been here a few decades now and there's always an opportunity to say that a particular person or a group of people is bad or wrong or mistaken, and there's always an opportunity to try to split humanity, or our small corner of humanity, into the good people, the bad people, the nice people, the horrible people, etc.
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And I understand that I have that in me, that capacity to do that in me as well.
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And it's lazy thinking because ultimately, we're all here, we've all got to somehow make it work, and this notion of inherent goodness actually opens up so many more opportunities for us in terms of relating and collaborating and negotiating and making things happen, and it's also much more optimistic and it's a much more pleasant way to think of life.
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So I think it's a great one for us.
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So, sandy, I know you've got a very personal and close relationship with this notion of inherent goodness.
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Can you remember when you first really connected with that idea, when it first became something that really landed with you and made sense?
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Well, I mean, I wrote this book, the Courage Circle, during very difficult personal times During COVID.
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I was struggling with my relationships, with my life, with myself, with whatever I guess everything and I was just looking for answers.
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So I was really all over the place, reading, meditating, crying, doing anything and everything, and I think what happened because of all the time I was spending internally is that I started to internally, is that I started to, I would say, almost mathematically, put things together internally of you know why I am doing certain behaviors, why I think a certain way, why I feel like everything became quite clear as I was looking inward and, part of this, looking for truth.
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So I stopped looking for anything else than what's truth.
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So I love your name of your podcast also Truth and Transcendence.
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So my aim was very directed at truth.
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Ironically, I'm a lawyer too, but nothing to do with that.
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But I really really was focused on I just want to know the truth about things.
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I don't care if it's painful, I don't care if it hurts, I don't care if it's not fun to see, but a real strong focus on what's actually true.
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And so, during this process of looking at myself internally and trying to understand everything going on, I started having so much compassion for myself and understanding why and how everything had happened.
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Why and how everything I felt, why everything I did, all the whys got very, very clear and it became very clear that there was just absolutely nothing wrong with me, that I was absolutely perfectly good inside, and whatever I might have done may be a mistake, but I understood why.
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Whatever I might have said okay, now I know, I did this, I know I learned that, I know but it no longer was something that defined me, because I just felt my own inherent goodness and that, for me, was a huge moment, because now I could look at anything right.
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So once you feel your inherent goodness, you can actually start to see a lot more.
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You can start to see, you know what I'm really doing.
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This behavior.
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That's not so good idea and that's not great.
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And okay, maybe I need to think that because it doesn't anymore affect your inside, whereas normally, I think, for many people who have not maybe yet arrived at this self-knowing, it's very hard to see anything because it feels like it's going to diminish us or we're going to lose some kind of points.
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So people are operating often on some kind of a point system that I don't even know where it comes from or who invented it or why we follow it.
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But there's some kind of point system in the world where you get points.
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If you're tall, you get points.
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If you do this career, you get points.
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If you behave this way, you get points here and there.
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So we're running around trying to accumulate some kind of points to elevate ourselves somehow.
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So if I now see, oh, you know, I'm doing this, it's almost like I lost some points here.
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So it becomes very hard to see anything because it's almost like we're going to lose some kind of value or status or points or whatever you want to call it, whereas if we have come to the other side, I guess, and know our goodness, then you could see anything.
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It doesn't touch, it doesn't affect this inherent goodness.
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So for me now, because I was able to do it with myself, so I wouldn't worry about seeing anybody else as good or not good, I don't think all my experience has been to look at yourself first, forget the world completely.
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But what ended up happening, naturally, is because I was able to see that in myself.
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I can now see that in others.
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So if someone is behaving in a certain way, I could not understand perfectly why and how they're doing it or how it came to be or what happened in their life.
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I might not know the details of it, but I can understand clearly that something has led to that behavior and that there is likely some very inherent goodness in there, but the behavior is still not okay.
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So I don't want anyone to think that this inherent goodness discussion is okay, they're good, so it's okay.
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We're going to kind of let it go.
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Actually, no, I have very strict boundaries about behaviors and all that, but it's different than being against the person.
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So you're not really against the person, you're just against behavior, and that distinction is very important, I think, in terms of human respect and understanding.
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Yeah, thank you very much, so I completely get listening to you.
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This is a very grounded experience for you.
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It's not just a good idea.
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No, it's a self-feeling.
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It's what I feel about myself, not what I think about myself.
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So something clearly have something clearly happened.
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You were saying you were doing a lot of inner work, a lot of self-investigation and learning about yourself.
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And you came at the very bottom of everything else.
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You came to the inerrant goodness.
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Could you?
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Now that's very interesting.
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Yeah, now that's very interesting.
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If I think of that as a journey, that's a very interesting journey.
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It's a bit like someone says well, I was driving and driving through the mountains and then suddenly there was the ocean.
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Now if we look at a map, we know where the ocean is and we know where the mountains are.
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We know we're going to get to the ocean, but we don't necessarily know.
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If we do a lot of personal work, we don't necessarily know that where we're going to get to is in our goodness.
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Who knew?
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Yeah, who knew?
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But if it's there, then I guess everybody can or would get there if they were looking for the truth, I think, as opposed to looking for something else, and then the question would be where is the truth, I think, you know, as opposed to looking for something else, and then the question would be where is the truth?
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So where is it?
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Okay, I want to look for the truth.
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Where do I look?
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Let's say we have a nice intention I want to look for the truth.
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Well, the truth is, at least in my experience, in your body and not in your head, and that's a very interesting I mean, we can talk more about that, if you like or not, in terms of how we can get confused about this truth about us by being in the head.
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So I can talk about that too, if you're interested.
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Yeah, but the quick summary and I'm sure you're in your world, you're very much attuned to this as well is that the truth is in the body or in the heart space.
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So spending time there and I do think the truth is there.
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So if people will spend time there, they will discover that truth.
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Yeah, yeah, so it feels to you like an absolute truth, not just the truth for you, correct, yeah, like a universal thing.
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Yeah, so can you remember anything about that kind of last phase when you sort of transitioned from I'm doing all this investigation, self-learning, inner work and then it kind of popped through to the inherent goodness experience?
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Can you remember what that transition piece felt like for you as you were going through it?
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um, I don't know if it.
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I mean, there was many, many, many, many many experiences.
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I think that all together might have come to it.
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So I don't know if it's one, but one, um, very important piece, um, I think is is to learn to feel for yourself.
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So I don't know how to describe that feeling when you actually it's almost a friend of mine who I think was having a hard time feeling for herself because what stood in the way in that conversation was that you know, if I would say something like, oh my, it, which came from something she had been told, I think, a million times over, and many people are told is don't be a victim, toughen up or whatever, and those kind of sentences I think are kind of misused.
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So I'm happy to talk about victim mentality as well, to talk about victim mentality as well, but in this context I think it was serving the opposite purpose, in that we were now not going to look at our I'm not going to look at how hard it was for me, because I'm not a victim, and for me that is not victim mentality, that is actually self compassion, and we have a barrier sometimes to feeling for ourself because of this kind of strict um language that we might have heard.
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You know, don't feel sorry.
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So learning to feel um for ourself, um is a, an absolutely um huge step towards uh, I don't know if it's integrating our whole self or being in our heart completely or getting to this inherent goodness, but definitely I think that's a big piece of it.
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The other piece, like I said, is to spend a lot of time in the heart and also to become mathematical about your experiences, meaning to understand, literally understand why and why, what happened, so that we no longer judge it as if it has to do with us.
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We can understand.
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Oh, you know, I did this because that, I did this because that.
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So it's not because I'm a bad person, it's not because I'm stupid, it's not because anything else.
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It's because you know A leads to B and B leads to C and whatever.
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And it doesn't mean we're not going to take responsibility for these, but not punish ourselves for it or hurt ourselves for it or not be understanding about it.
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Yeah, so that's developing a very different relationship with yourself, both in terms of the compassion and the discernment, I suppose, in terms of how you're looking at the reality of what's going on and the behavior and so forth.
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What sort of work were you doing to help you in this transition?
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What sort of explorations and modalities, and whatever where you actually employ it to help you with this?
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I would say anything and everything I could find, but you know, during COVID times we were actually able to find a lot.
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I found a wonderful app that had a lot of talks and speakers, whatever it was called Insight Timer.
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That had a ton of meditations and speakers and all these things.
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That's one.
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Books is another, journaling is another, meditation, of course, all kinds of body work, from movement, dance, qigong, like anything and everything, and also, I guess part of it was also using whatever.
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I don't know if it's from being a lawyer or I'm a lawyer because of it, but there is.
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I guess I have some kind of ability to put all kinds of information together.
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That is a bit complex, and so it was many, many, many pieces of a puzzle.
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It is not like one thing, like, okay, I'm gonna meditate 10 minutes a day and feel better.
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No, you gotta learn about so many aspects to have this all work.
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And so this is why I tried to write um the courage circle with, uh, you know, each piece being just one page or two pages about each topic.
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So so one could be boundaries, victim mentality.
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There's so many and the book is whatever, 200-some pages, so it shows you how many separate topics came together for me to put things together and people can delve deeper in each one if they wanted to, but they were necessary parts of the puzzle for me, so I was just literally looking at anything and everything that I felt I should gravitate to.
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So all I was doing is listening to my own internal interest levels.
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This seems right.
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Okay, let me follow this a bit.
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Let me follow that a bit.
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Let me look here, let me look there.
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And, fortunately for me, things came together, because I now feel myself, I feel well, I feel strong, I feel kind, I feel clear, I feel fluid, I feel all the things that all human beings are able to feel.
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Yeah, beautiful.
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Thank you for sharing that, because it's always when we come across people who found a beautiful place, like the place that you've found, it's very easy to kind of look at that person and think, well, they're different from everybody else.
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You know they found this place because they're special and I'm not special and therefore I won't do it.
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So it's very helpful to hear a little bit about the journey to it.
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And that thing you said about trying whatever, anything and everything, but listening to your own interest levels is so important.
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I love that.
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I've met people who said well, what do you think I should explore?
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What should I try?
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There's a type of workshop that I run, the Pellewa workshop, and somebody was interested in doing the Pellewa workshop and she contacted the sort of lead teacher in the UK and said which teacher do you recommend I study with for Pellewa?
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And this person responded and said well, my recommendation is that you work with the one who you resonate with.
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Yeah, I'm not going to tell you which one it should be I don't know, yeah, and that applies with everything.
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Yeah, I totally agree with you.
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That's I mean, in my website I actually have a little tab that's called don't follow me, follow you, I love it with you.
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Yeah, beautiful.
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And this applies across the board.
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It's not only you know which osteo should I go see or should I try this, it applies really across the board, even to the point.
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Yesterday we were talking about boundaries in the circle because I have a courage circles and the topic yesterday was boundaries and someone's asking me well, so for.
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So, for example, if somebody is depressed, do you think I should help them?
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Like, should we be helping them or should we put a boundary?
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And I said my boundaries are not the same as your boundaries.
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There's no way I could tell you what boundary you would put.
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We don't have the same thing at all.
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So, for example, let's say I've experienced a ton of depression myself and I realize that helping this person now triggers me into going backwards and I think, well, maybe I'll have a boundary of I'm sorry, I can't help with this because I'm going to go down so that could be my boundary and maybe your boundary is something completely like there isn't.
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You know, it's very, very.
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Each one of these things is very personal, because we are each, if we are in our bodies, able to gravitate, almost, I guess, like planets.
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We gravitate towards what we must do or what's good for us.
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If we're listening, well, we're like planets, walking around gravitating to different things.
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So we just really need to listen and trust ourselves, and maybe that's the hardest part to learn to to trust ourselves.
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Um, because we don't have a lot at least I didn't and the people in the circle, I think, also often say they did not have feedback from others, which is encouraging you to follow you.
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Like we don't get that in general in life.
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We get follow, follow me, come, do what I say, do what I think.
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Here's the advice do this, you know.
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So nobody is like really, you think you should.
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You know, read, oh, okay, you're interested in that book, good luck, you know, interesting, let me know how does it go.
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You know, oh, you think you should travel there.
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Nice, instead of really, that country is not good.
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I would go here, I would go there or I would do this, but you're not.
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It's not you yeah so we don't get that feedback a lot.
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So I think it takes um a lot of courage to uh trust yourself, uh, especially if we're surrounded by uh people who are giving us the opposite, basically, of uh of that message of trust yourself, trust yourself, trust yourself.
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Yeah it's very, very hard.
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Yeah, yeah, yeah.
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Well, I was actually talking to somebody about this just this morning, about that we're in a culture where we're not necessarily encouraged to think for ourselves or trust ourselves, and he told me this story about the Prussian army.
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You might have heard this, I don't know.
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Apparently there was a war 1870 or something, and the Prussians lost the war, and the reason they lost the battle or the war or whatever, was because all of the officers and soldiers wouldn't do what they were told, because they thought it wasn't right and they basically objected or tried to do it a different way, and they actually lost In battle.
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They lost.
00:22:00.000 --> 00:22:04.231
So they said to themselves what we need is soldiers who will just do what they're told.
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That's what we need is soldiers who will just do what they're told.
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That's what we need.
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So we need to develop a way of educating people that will have people learn to just do what they're told and not think for themselves Okay, that's what they got out of that.
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You mean, that's what they took from it.
00:22:20.605 --> 00:22:21.482
They didn't take from it.
00:22:21.482 --> 00:22:23.451
Going to war might not be a good idea, right, okay, yeah, yeah, I see where you're going.
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Took from it, they didn't take from it going to war might not be a good idea, right, okay, yeah, yeah, I see where you're going.
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Okay, I was like which one?
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What are you thinking?
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Okay, but I hear you they didn't they thought that was.
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They thought it was inevitable because they were being attacked by hordes of screaming barbarians or whatever was going on, and they thought they had to battle them.
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So they came up with this different way of educating people which apparently is what our current education system is based on Everyone's sitting in rows, bells, instructions, et cetera, et cetera.
00:22:55.172 --> 00:23:09.554
So we're in this culture where, as you say, we're not really necessarily encouraged, and some of us, if we're very lucky with our parenting and the schools we go to, and so forth, if we are fortunate enough to get that input.
00:23:09.554 --> 00:23:16.730
But I think a lot of people are fighting against a lot of conditioning and a lot of cultural norms.
00:23:17.271 --> 00:23:23.863
Yeah, yeah, and it's hard, but I guess for me, the information is still there, the body is still speaking.
00:23:23.863 --> 00:23:36.781
So, no matter what's happened or no matter what someone has been educated, not educated, thinks or not thinks, believes or not believes, ultimately your body is speaking For sure.
00:23:36.781 --> 00:23:45.811
You can ignore it, so that's possible, but if you become interested in what's truly going on, I think that exists.
00:23:45.811 --> 00:23:46.472
So we cannot.
00:23:46.472 --> 00:23:49.950
You know, it's not something that can really be extinguished.
00:23:50.500 --> 00:23:52.423
No, exactly, and we can always still learn.
00:23:52.423 --> 00:23:58.173
I think some people think they can't learn once they go past 15.
00:23:59.115 --> 00:24:01.160
Yeah, we can learn and we can also unlearn.
00:24:01.160 --> 00:24:03.344
We can learn and we can unlearn.
00:24:03.464 --> 00:24:07.577
And you say sometimes you know it's there in the body and the body is telling us.
00:24:07.577 --> 00:24:15.871
I think I know what you mean by that, but I'd love you to say a bit more about that for the listeners and how you experience that.
00:24:15.871 --> 00:24:22.324
You know, how do you listen to what your body's telling you and how do you make sense of that whole experience?
00:24:24.550 --> 00:24:27.275
Um so, um, how did I?
00:24:27.275 --> 00:24:34.054
So I started thinking about um, you know, where are we first of all, like, where am I If we talk?
00:24:34.054 --> 00:24:34.736
So it's a.
00:24:34.736 --> 00:24:36.279
It's a bit of a complex notion.
00:24:36.279 --> 00:24:36.942
So I'll try to.
00:24:36.942 --> 00:24:44.763
I'll see what comes out in my words right now, but I guess that the essence of it is to start to think about, like, who am I?
00:24:44.763 --> 00:24:45.952
It's a pretty deep topic.
00:24:45.952 --> 00:24:46.534
Who am I?
00:24:46.534 --> 00:24:47.276
Where am I?
00:24:47.276 --> 00:24:48.278
What am I?
00:24:48.278 --> 00:24:56.022
Whatever you like, and one thing I invite the people to do in the circle every time we meet is to let go of their title.
00:24:56.210 --> 00:24:57.936
So that's one thing we can let go of.
00:24:57.936 --> 00:25:00.759
Forget my job title, Even let go of your kids.
00:25:00.759 --> 00:25:01.460
We kind one thing we can let go of.
00:25:01.460 --> 00:25:02.800
You know, forget my job title, even let go of your kids.
00:25:02.800 --> 00:25:04.021
You know, we kind of try to deal with each other.
00:25:04.021 --> 00:25:09.826
I suggest, you know, let's try to deal with each other from, like our humanity or our heart or our essence.
00:25:09.885 --> 00:25:23.373
You know, I kind of throw words like that, whichever one people want, and we can quickly start to get in touch with that part of us that we are not, you know, this title or this whatever, or anything else, that there's something a little bit deeper.
00:25:23.693 --> 00:25:35.273
So I guess that would be a start to to at least be curious, like is there something else I am other than, okay, I'm a teacher, I'm a mom, I'm whatever, you know, whatever word you want to say, but is there like a me in there?
00:25:36.055 --> 00:25:49.809
So I think that's the first interesting question to start getting in the body and to see you know what is me and who am I really, and and start to uh feel yourself uh, and that means not to demonize your emotions anymore.
00:25:49.809 --> 00:26:06.380
So that's a huge step to start to actually look and at your emotions as something uh important and instructive and guiding you, as opposed to negative, because we're also raised thinking emotions are like wrong or bad, which obviously I disagree with.
00:26:06.380 --> 00:26:12.099
So you know, if I feel sad, we, you know, we try to see why am I sad, to get to know myself better.
00:26:12.099 --> 00:26:15.155
Okay, I think I need some friends or I think I'm alone, you know.
00:26:15.155 --> 00:26:29.576
So that's part of getting to know ourself and deeper, through our emotions, and that's in the body, right, that's not in the head yeah so I think that's important, plus doing anything that's somatic, dance, whatever, all the yoga, everything's everything in the body.
00:26:29.736 --> 00:26:32.221
So that can that could be number two that super helps.
00:26:32.221 --> 00:26:46.271
And then, uh, at least what I've seen in the groups, one thing that can super help is to not stop thoughts, necessarily more like going in the body instead of stopping the thoughts.
00:26:46.271 --> 00:27:01.561
But there are some thoughts that are just completely 24-7 for a lot of people, that I think we could at least I don't know if it's extinguish or question so that they're not so present.
00:27:01.561 --> 00:27:09.194
Then we can get a bit more in our body when we have and one of them is exactly what we were talking about right at the beginning, which is this inherent goodness.
00:27:09.194 --> 00:27:14.135
So the way I'd like if it's okay, if you have time for me to go further on this, please.
00:27:14.135 --> 00:27:28.053
So one way I like to what I put it in the book, in the illustrator she did a beautiful job drawing it is that you imagine your head is like a calculator, literally like the calculator with the numbers right and the body is where the truth is.
00:27:28.053 --> 00:27:39.583
So the head is doing calculating 24 7 and the body is where the truth is, and we're often spending time calculating, and the way I tried to now describe it.
00:27:39.583 --> 00:27:41.093
Actually I was talking to someone about it.
00:27:41.093 --> 00:27:46.917
So let's go even further and let's talk about chat GPT and let's call the head the chat GPT.
00:27:46.917 --> 00:27:56.256
Actually it's a tool, you know, we can use it as a tool and our body is the truth or the me, the programmer, the essence it's not in your head.
00:27:56.256 --> 00:28:17.579
But let's say, your chat GPT has been programmed and one of the questions that has been inserted into this program, one of the most first prompts if you want to call it the chat GPT prompt is how can I improve myself or what's wrong with me, or how can I do to fix myself?
00:28:17.579 --> 00:28:25.471
So let's say that's been a prompt to fix myself.