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Truth and Transcendence brought to you by being Space with Katherine Llewellyn.
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Truth and Transcendence, episode 114, with special guest Inessa Pornamariovaite.
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I'm so delighted to have Inessa come on.
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Inessa unfortunately had a lifetime of disappointment in pharmaceuticals and as a result of this, she actually became a holistic health professional and her expertise now is in restoring the body to homeostasis, where all symptoms systems function at their best, which sounds fantastic.
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Inessa brings the power of hemp to people seeking non-pharmaceutical solutions for health, wellness and healing.
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The research-based hemp products Inessa has created combine modern science with ancient wisdom.
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They are backed by certifications from the largest clinical FDA registered labs and white papers written by Harvard and Stanford cannabis experts and doctors.
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I've got to say it's quite an accomplishment.
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And Inessa says by promoting health consciousness, we all can truly make the world a better place, which I've absolutely got to agree with.
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So why did I invite Inessa onto Truth and Transcendence?
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Well, quite frankly, inessa is a force of nature.
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Her vibrant energy and utter commitment to her path, coming from a spirit of service to the well-being of everyone, is inspiring and uplifting.
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Her sheer energy, enthusiasm and drive are remarkable.
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So, inessa, thank you so much for finding the time in your very busy schedule to join us on Truth and Transcendence.
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Thank you so much for having me here today and I'm very blessed to share my knowledge and expertise and mission, hopefully to provide a lot of value to the audience that they can actually multiply.
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Well, guarantee what you're going to have to share today will be different from any other guest I've had before or probably will have.
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So, you know, even if even if what we're talking about is something that people don't immediately resonate with or feels new to them, stretching our minds is always a healthy thing to do, I think, and for some people listening, this could actually be very useful information for themselves or for their family or people who they love.
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So I think I'm just delighted that you're here.
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So in the pre, in the prequel, we talked about something that you called conviction, which was to do with having a conviction in your, in your path, and I just, I just love that theme, because I think some of us could do with a bit more conviction than we have.
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Some of us could do with perhaps questioning the conviction that we have, but it's whatever you say about it, it's a really important theme and I just wanted to kick off right away, inessa, by just saying you know how did you connect with this kind of experience of conviction that you have and that you completely embody in every cell of your being?
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You know, how did you first connect with your conviction?
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Yeah, this is very great question and definitely unusual to start the conversation with some very happy to share.
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Thank you for great question.
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You know there's a saying if you're gonna ask, you will receive.
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So I was just simply not satisfied with my what you call quote and quote good life, which is everything looks pretty good on paper, like good job, you know, healthy.
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Finally, after everything what I had to go through and you know single try and find the, you know man of my dreams and and but again, this whole financial situation and and everything what I lived, it looked really good on a piece of paper for very young, beautiful woman.
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So, and I knew this is not, it's for me because I like to be comfortable, so I don't have to worry about these things, right.
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But I knew that I'm not serving my purpose.
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I knew that something is missing, because I wasn't like a child getting excited every single day.
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I was more motivated by my goals, but I wasn't like a child super excited.
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So I just decided to ask God what's my purpose?
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And I knew he loves me unconditionally.
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And and you know I was asking what's my purpose, what's my purpose?
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And after one year on my knees, I received that magical phone call from my mother, and that's the story itself.
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But after I was able to help my mom and help hundreds, hundreds of other people out there and by now it's actually thousands what happened to me?
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I saw the evidence in front of me and I was convicted that I can make the ripple effect and make the whole change in the world.
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And I don't need to become a president of United States, I don't have to become a, you know, the richest man in the world.
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I just knew, yes, finances are important, but I'm so, until this minute, convicted that I am capable, and I will, to create a change which is turn darkness into the light and and hate into the love.
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So, so.
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But that was a magical moment because I'm pleased, I'm grateful for, but at the same time, I truly live magic life.
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Even I work tremendous hours that most people wouldn't able to stand on their feet.
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But the conviction is so powerful and it's so inside of you where you just can't like it.
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Just you just can't work, doesn't?
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It's not even the work anymore, it's the passion, it's, it's part of you, it's your DNA, it's your blueprint, it's who you are on this earth and and that was the most beautiful thing ever happened to me wow, amazing.
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So, as you describe that, you talk first about just literally asking for that inspiration for a whole year and just keeping asking every single day.
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Now that's quite a big thing to do, I think.
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I think some people would give up after a few days and go well, the answer is not coming, so I'll just, you know, have another drink, or you know.
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I don't know move house, whatever.
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Just try and make a change, but not necessarily.
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So you really stuck with that, which is quite a strong thing.
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And then you said there was this experience where your mother called you and then you helped your mother and then went on and helped many other people and as a result of seeing the evidence of that, that really confirmed your path.
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So that that's another incredibly strong experience you're describing there.
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So the first one is like an idea and the second one is then an experience and the two things kind of knitting together.
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So I can see how strong that is.
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But it also sounds like you must have been open enough to receive that information and open enough to respond in the way that you did when your mother contacted you.
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So have you always had something in your character that is very open or very determined or like that?
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Have you always had that or not?
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I definitely had that in my character.
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But I also learned since the childhood kind of not to follow the rules but understand the rules.
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And so when I was able to understand that, first, if you're going to ask, you will receive, that's number one.
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Number two anything that good happens, it never happens to the ones that give up.
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So, okay, if I'm going to give up, I'm really not giving up on anybody, I'm giving up on myself.
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So that's strong.
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Even sometimes in the hopeless situation people say you should just leave it.
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You just, why are you still wasting your time?
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Because I know if I'm going to go through scientifically proven, I'm going to be able to make it happen.
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Right, I just have to keep going.
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So that's why there's a saying when you swim in the middle in the ocean and you're thinking why you have no friends?
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Because these friends give up on the shore and they never went that far.
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So that's why you're in the middle of an ocean by yourself.
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Because sometimes my mentor says, like Anasa, you know I said I have no really friends who can understand my life Like that's kind of sad, you know.
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It's like I have no one to share.
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It's like Anasa, you're in the middle of an ocean by yourself.
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But then I said too, it's like no, these people give up before they started.
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So now they went back on an easy road and I know from the childhood anything that comes easy, it goes easy.
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It does first of all, probably never comes, and if it does, it goes away.
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So again, I choose.
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I know, I understand the science, I understand how it works, I understand how a universe works, and I just decided to stick with those rules that are been proven.
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So that's number one thing.
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And when it comes to my mother, it was definitely a shocking reaction for her, but for me it was the most beautiful moment when she was telling me about her diagnosis, because she clearly said, like, first of all, it was like seven o'clock in the morning in the United States and she said I have cancer, you know, and I'm going to die.
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Maybe you should come back home in Lithuania, you know, and we need to figure out.
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I have six months left to live.
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And I told my mom.
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I said this is the best news ever.
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I've been praying on my knees for the whole year to finally find out what's my purpose in life.
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And she just she knows I'm not on drugs.
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She knows I'm not on medications, she knows I'm not drinking alcohol and she knows like I'm clear-minded person and she had to face time because she was thinking I'm like sleeping, walking, talking kind of type of thing.
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Then she faced time means mom, I'm just making my shake, I'm about to go work out, I'm not sleeping.
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I'm not sleeping talking to you, I'm fully aware of what's happening.
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I said you don't understand.
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Your life right now is changing thousands of lives.
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I see happiness all over the earth because of your cancer.
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She's like she was so she wanted to believe in everything.
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But I see she's so confused where she doesn't know what to do with it.
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Because, like the information, like she's telling me and crying and I'm crying from happiness, like I'm truly crying because I'm I am convicted, immediately on the spot what's my purpose in life?
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I'm like I see the whole thing.
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I saw us talking on the zoom right now.
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That was six, seven years ago.
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I saw, I saw me doing what I'm doing today.
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I saw this whole visual thing.
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It was like a little short movie of my life and that was the most beautiful thing to me.
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I was, I was downloaded with so much love.
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I was downloaded with extra speed, with extra passion, and that's it.
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Since then, never slept again and I'm living the best life ever, you know.
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So I can't say I'm absolutely blessed.
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I'm absolutely blessed it wasn't for mom's diagnosis.
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Today would be in the world, would be experiencing much more sadness and much more of darkness.
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Yes, Well, or something else would have happened that would have triggered you in the right way.
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Maybe yeah, you know, but that isn't amazing that you immediately saw her diagnosis as an opportunity and a gift for something extraordinary.
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So did you already had you already engaged with the whole question of health and wellness prior to that, or did that trigger you to start looking in that area?
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No, it's actually prior.
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I was extremely sick myself the whole life since I was a child and my mom didn't know any better, so she was following science and doctors, so she used to take to the doctors and put me on antibiotics.
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I've been on the pill since I was 12, 14 years old, with UTIs, lung infections, you name it.
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So that led me to by age 24, 25, 25, after multiple surgeries it led me to the point where I could not leave an emergency room because I already was in the United States.
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I came in America when it was 21 and I was going through very harsh relationship and it's in absolutely a good lesson in my life.
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But for some people say we don't know how you recovered.
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To continue smile after everything that I was going through.
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And then, of course, additional stress was triggering my disease and there was no pills helping me anymore, no emergency room.
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So it was just really bad and I looked kind of outside, stepped out from this whole my own life picture, and I said I've been in these doctors for the last 10 years and instead I'm getting better.
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They just keep pumping me with more pills.
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So I start to really kind of look around, talk to people and I know in my world, in my brain, that it's always got to be a way.
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You can't be stuck with.
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The one solution is just physically impossible.
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So I know the one solution is not serving me.
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Then I have to find another solution because it's for me, it's from my own well-being.
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So I discovered changing the diet it's a big deal.
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Changing the water filtration systems in the house, it's a big deal, you know.
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Cleansing your body, it's a big deal.
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So I started applying these little things and I saw little improvements.
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And those improvements led me to so much excitement because over so many years, like you, can reach the level where you feel better in all of the sun, you do something different and you start feeling better.
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So I got super excited, went all the way in and within one year I was able to reverse all my diseases.
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I had completely, with no drugs, no medications I was off the pharmaceuticals, been off the pharmaceuticals for a very long time right now, never been sick again.
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So but I was just happy.
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I was just happy, but it wasn't enough.
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Where I say I'm going to change the world, no, because I guess it happened for me.
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It wasn't enough purpose, I don't know.
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It just really happened, the way it should happen.
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So I shared with people, but it planted a seed in my brain.
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It planted a seed in my heart.
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I trusted this holistic, natural route more than anything else.
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It was clearly evidence based, but it wasn't enough to say I'm going to change the world.
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So that's why I had to wait years later.
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And then my mom's situation happened.
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I already knew cancer is curable, I just didn't know how.
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So I did whatever it takes to find out about anything, find out about the cancer and I spent 27,000 hours by now on cancer research globally, working with a global network and traveling globally so for the cancer.
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And yeah, that's exactly what happened Planted the seed, and my mom was the tipping point where actually the seed became a flower and right now it's a garden.
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Got it.
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So basically, prior to that, you were preparing the soil for the seed.
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The seed could then flourish.
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Yes, you obviously.
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27,000 hours of research that I can't even imagine how much that is.
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That's a lot.
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And what?
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did you?
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What did you find?
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How did this then lead you to this work you're now doing with with him?
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And it's also separating.
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That's why people are always so confused and if they know a little about me, it's like so how much did you do?
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What are you doing?
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Like they're also confused Hempish.
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Just a justice for humanity.
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Because I, as a holistic health expert who works with people, and I truly need to have the highest quality.
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And when I say highest quality, I mean in my standards, the ones I created, not the ones the government created, because their standards are still allowing.
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Even organic, for example, still allows in parts per billion heavy metals, mold, all kinds of things in my life.
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In my opinion, you should never take and never should put these things in your mouth and never be exposed to these things.
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So I personally was looking for the highest quality hemp product on the market.
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And what happened to me?
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I also do my research, discovered human and cannabinoid system and how it's essential it's literally essential system in your body in order for you to be healthy.
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So when you're born, you create your own cannabinoids.
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And what does that mean, anasa?
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That means everything was in the real, healthy hemp plant.
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It's already in your body.
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You're producing it yourself.
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I didn't know that.
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Yeah, we mimic the plants we are like plants.
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We literally almost like a hemp plant internally and most people can't even absorb it.
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This is like oh my gosh, so and?
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But the most beautiful thing is these cannabinoids.
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They are been deregulate, our systems, those receptors are all over the place in your brain and your spleen and your stomach and your ovaries are all over the place and when you get exposed to these cannabinoids you have them all over the body.
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So but when you get older or, in my world, when you get exposed to too many toxins, which is terminology is older, I don't believe, by the way, you're getting old.
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So my own evidence based, when you get exposed to these toxins, you start losing the cannabinoid production and that means you start losing the main system.
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The endocrinabinoid system starts, it becomes weakened and it starts losing the production and then these organs gonna have an effect.
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That means they're gonna start struggling and you remember that system is responsible for hundreds and hundreds of systems in the body.
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So if the main guy that controls everybody is actually challenged, that means he's no longer really serving the rest of the systems in the body and that's going to pop up as a symptom to you that you're going to go see doctor and your doctor is going to give you a pill, for example, for your ovaries or spleen or brain and whatever the symptoms, you're going to have to get a diagnosis of disease.
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And and and that's not the case, what if you just empower and the cannabinoid system and that own production?
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You know it's going to help to recover whatever it's missing in your body right now, whatever it's you challenging.
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So I understood the essentials of androcanabinoid system and then I understood politics and I understood marketing and I understood intention.
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So I said, okay, I really need to find a high quality products, because there is no regulations in the world how to create a high quality products in the market, and that means it's my job to find the best of the best.
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So that's exactly what happened.
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I picked 17 CBD companies, 17 most marketed highest quality companies in the United States, and I just start interviewing them over the phone, and I was.
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I was doing a little white lies.
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I told them I'm from Lithuania, which is a true situation, but I may.
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I helped them to assume that I live in Lithuania.
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So I was asking for permission to show up one day in their facilities, farms, manufacturers, laboratories to know things for myself, because I know I don't trust marketing.
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I've been tricked by marketing schemes all day long.
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I spent too much money on it can't even tell you how many zeros and I said Okay.
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I said, with that being said, I've got the permission.
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They remember my name, especially my accent, my little white English, you know.
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And and what I did?
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I just start traveling.
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I backed up, back pack myself, jumped on the plane and I put my roadmap California, oregon and you know, and all the states were actually on my list.
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And I start traveling one by one.
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And when I was traveling, I was also picking up the samples.
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Some of those companies did not like me that I did show up and they just shut the door.
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Some of them said that they don't have actually access to the farm Because I wanted to test the soil, because you can.
00:22:20.402 --> 00:22:24.906
You can have healthy plants unless you have a healthy soil.
00:22:24.906 --> 00:22:29.232
So so we're testing the soil and he told me farm is closed.
00:22:29.232 --> 00:22:30.213
I said I didn't know.
00:22:30.213 --> 00:22:31.335
The farm has a door.
00:22:31.335 --> 00:22:34.718
I thought it's like what do you mean?
00:22:34.718 --> 00:22:35.878
The farm is closed.
00:22:35.878 --> 00:22:42.825
You know, the point was so nonsense and, you know, made me upset, you know.
00:22:42.825 --> 00:22:45.886
But I still had a hole because I had 17 of them to go.
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So you know, but more I'm getting in my list, more visiting.
00:22:50.373 --> 00:22:53.736
It's becoming like a nightmare in each of those places.
00:22:54.336 --> 00:23:06.886
So and then it got to the point where I went to Colorado actually largest producers for a whole puts and which is a big chain here in United States.
00:23:06.886 --> 00:23:10.231
And what happened?
00:23:10.231 --> 00:23:19.779
Never going to forget, he told me that dairy organic certified and I should not worry about the quality.
00:23:19.779 --> 00:23:20.721
I said it's okay.
00:23:20.721 --> 00:23:23.544
I said can I still check the quality myself?
00:23:23.544 --> 00:23:27.866
Because organic labels, organic label, there's additional things I'm looking for.
00:23:28.670 --> 00:23:36.058
So and he showed me in the beginning of the farm and then he didn't want to show me in the back in the farm, he said.
00:23:36.058 --> 00:23:42.226
He said the farm is so huge where we can't really go and walk and all the way through the farm.
00:23:42.226 --> 00:23:44.893
And I said don't worry.
00:23:44.893 --> 00:23:50.280
I said can you allow me to lift my drone and send it to the back of the farm?
00:23:50.280 --> 00:23:54.286
We don't have to walk so far away, I just want to see what the whole field looks like.
00:23:54.286 --> 00:23:56.071
So I lift the drone.
00:23:56.071 --> 00:24:04.144
The guy is not happy, you know, but I'm doing what I supposed to do stand for the truth and I just send a drone.
00:24:04.144 --> 00:24:13.558
And the drone clearly shows these beautiful faces of corn and I'm like hemp plant next to the corn.
00:24:13.558 --> 00:24:16.163
It's like that doesn't make sense.
00:24:16.163 --> 00:24:19.250
But the hemp plant actually, by nature, is a soil cleaner.
00:24:19.250 --> 00:24:30.727
So if you want to, that means it grabs every possible toxin from far away, including, you know, corns, whatever the corn field is contained.
00:24:30.807 --> 00:24:38.329
And I'm like this is so messed up and this other really need to do major testing on your organic certified produce.
00:24:38.329 --> 00:24:51.306
So I tested, I got my lab results loaded with metals and I said, sir, I said I just want to let you know your organic certified products are loaded with metals.
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So if you live in Colorado, we can't avoid that.
00:24:53.329 --> 00:24:56.317
All of us are loaded with metals.
00:24:56.317 --> 00:24:58.943
And I said how this is okay.