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Truth and Transcendence, brought to you by being Space with Katherine Llewellyn.
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Truth and Transcendence, episode 112, with special guest Edward Stern.
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Now, if you haven't come across Edward before, he is host of the Edward Show, a daily podcast about founder and go-to-market stories through the lens of a world-class marketer.
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So a few things about Edward.
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He was an early viral video creator on YouTube.
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He has over 50,000 followers on TikTok and counting.
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He's innovation consultant to Forbes, live SEO consultant for Microsoft, procter Gamble, adp, time Inc and others.
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He has a monthly in-person digital marketing class with 70 to 100 attendees per class.
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He's the co-founder of a remote communication tool with over 1 million users.
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He's co-founder of the first Play to Earn game, also named the top blockchain game in 2018 and 2019.
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Edward ran the biggest blockchain meet-up in the world.
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He has 300 million plus views with viral videos and images and multiple media appearances, including 2020, good Morning America, the Today Show, forbes, the Huffington Post, the Verge, the Daily Mail and RF's blog.
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He spent three years working in New York City Nightlife and four years as a digital nomad.
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So Edward is highly active in a world I know almost nothing about and I find him and his story absolutely fascinating.
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His extraordinary creativity, consistency and imagination are legendary and really inspiring.
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So Edward's perspective is truly fresh, alive and thought-provoking and if he says things on this podcast today but I don't understand, I probably won't be surprised by that, because a lot of this really is very foreign to me.
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So, edward, thank you so much for coming.
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On Truth and Transcendence.
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Thank you for having me.
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This is going to be a fun episode.
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Absolutely so.
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When we spoke before we talked about normally I only have one theme for a podcast, but today we're going to have two themes, which are consistency and energy transference.
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You're breaking the rules for me.
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You're breaking the rules for me.
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I'm so lucky.
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You are so lucky?
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Well, it's because you're so interesting, edward.
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This is why.
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So I'm just going to say a little bit about why I actually think those two things are important.
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I think consistency is an underrated and under-recognized source of power for people, I think, something we could all think about much more, and I don't mean about getting in a rut consistency and getting in a rut and not the same thing and energy transference I think anyone who knows me at all will know that energy transference is something I'm really into, because we all have energy, we all transfer energy, we receive energy.
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It's what's going on around us and behind us all the time.
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So when you said that those were two things that were really interesting to you, edward, I thought fantastic, I can't choose between the two.
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Let's do both.
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So here we are.
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So let me ask you first off, if I may Ask me, it's starting with consistency.
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Has consistency always been something that you've known was important?
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No, no.
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So when did it first register for you?
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I wish I did.
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Oh my God, I love being interviewed.
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It's so much easier than having my own daily show here.
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Let me give a speech on consistency.
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I have a daily podcast.
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I started it today.
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It's going to be my 50th episode when I record it later today.
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Started it 50 days ago, have not missed a day of posting.
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I go on rants.
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My job with the podcast is to go on rants every day, every single day, to check in, to go on crazy rants with consistency.
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And the reason I love being interviewed and having these prompts is because if I knew how valuable consistency is and what it could do to anybody's life, if they were just consistent with something, I wouldn't have bounced around trying so many different things for the last many years.
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I have a lot of very cool flash in the pan successes.
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That was a long bio that you gave me.
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I've done some cool things, for sure.
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It's a lot of different cool things all over the place.
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I actually think what would have been cooler if I just found something and stuck with it, but I didn't understand that.
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And now I do, and now that I do, life is so much crazier, especially now I don't know.
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So there's something called an exponential curve, which is when you go for people who can't see.
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It feels like you're plateauing, it feels like you're not moving, but you're doing this every day.
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And then you hit a point where your learning and your audience and your rate of compounding kind of takes off and all of a sudden you're just skyrocketing up and before you know it, that's happening to you and that's happening to me right now, because when I started my TikTok on November 1st, I said I'm just going to make a video every day and see what happens.
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I know I'll improve, I'm going to see what happens.
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I said I was going to do it for 30 days.
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I committed to 30 days.
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After 30 days I kept doing it because I found it to be fun and a lot.
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For the last, oh man, for the last two months I was plateauing, I wasn't growing, and now for the last several for the last month actually, so maybe for the know, for the last, from May to July to mid-July, from May to mid-July I wasn't really growing, and then something shifted in the middle of July and I kind of got it.
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I kind of got it and now not only am I growing, a ton and all these people are reaching out.
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I'm having repeat like thousands of repeat viewers to my videos and it's because I just didn't quit.
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I literally recorded a podcast about this yesterday.
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The most successful people on the planet say that the ones who really win are the ones who are the most persistent, the ones who are like I'm not going to quit, no matter what.
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Now there is one caveat.
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There is one caveat, and the caveat is if you are persistent and you don't quit, but you're also in the dark and you don't tell anybody about what you're doing, then you will lose.
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You need to go at something for a long time and be vocal with it to open up the opportunities.
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People need to know you for whatever it is that you do, you need to be vocal because that's how you open the opportunities.
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The longer that you are vocal for about a specific niche, the more opportunities come your way, the longer surface area for luck expands.
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So more people know you, more people know you, more people know you.
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And then all at once, when it rains, it pours, everything just seems like it's coming at you at once, and that's results of consistency over time plus vocality.
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I believe it's the most important thing.
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People understood.
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This is something that Paul Graham, the founder of Y Combinator, the greatest accelerator for startups, says if people understood the value that could be created if they were only consistent, people would go so far out of their way to stay consistent.
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And that's what I do.
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When I'm hanging out with somebody and it's fun and I haven't recorded, I say sorry, I got to go, I got to go home, I got to make a video and I got to put up a podcast.
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Because now, after so many years, now I understand it and I understand what can be achieved and I am going so far out of my way to stay consistent, and this past week especially, has been extremely insane.
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I love consistency.
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I'm consistent with my habits.
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I have crazy habits which I've been doing for decades.
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Yeah, okay, that's end of my first rant.
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I'm sure I'll have more.
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Thank you very much.
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Wonderful Question what is surface area?
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For luck, I think you said what is that Surface area for luck.
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That is and feel free to interrupt me if you're confused about anything, I don't mind Surface area for luck is, imagine, okay.
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So surface area, it's like you expand, how much room there is for luck to hit you.
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Luck comes your way, luck is coming your way, it's coming.
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It sounds like I know to a lot of people this might sound like just like standard self-help, self-empowerment, but I actually think there's mathematical proof behind this.
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We are all all the time being offered opportunities that we can't, one, understand and, two, maybe we're not able to capitalize on them.
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But if you are consistent, you get more opportunities because people know you for that, for one thing that you are consistent with, so you get more opportunities.
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The area that you can get opportunities with it expands.
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More and more people start to know you and start to remember you.
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They start to remember you for what you're doing.
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So that's kind of what surface area for luck is, and you get better at recognizing those opportunities and capitalizing on them.
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I mean that's why you will be forgiven for all of your mistakes if you are just consistent with something.
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But people make the most mistakes when they get started and then they get demoralized and they quit.
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Isn't that silly?
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How silly is that?
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But that's what people do.
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That's what people do and I'm so lucky that I realize that now Part of me I've been writing a lot about this.
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I think the enemy of being happy is comparing yourself to other people.
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A lot of other people have said that it really is the most soul-sapping thing to compare yourself to other people, and part of me compares myself to other people who are influential in the sphere that I'm becoming influential in, and they're 10 years younger than I am and I look at them and I feel so bad, but I'm still pretty young and I'm really lucky to be realizing this now.
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I am so grateful to be realizing this now.
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Consistency is the most important thing.
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Now let me say the last thing.
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The last part is people underestimate what they can do in a year or two years.
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Everyone overestimates what they can do in a month or a week, but long-term people completely underestimate it.
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I started my TikTok November 1st.
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I started my TikTok.
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I said I'm gonna make videos every day and I would kind of grow in steps.
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I would kind of grow in bursts, bursts, bursts, bursts.
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And now I'm a lot more consistent in growth because I have a much better understanding of what people want within my niche as well.
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And then I started the podcast and it took me.
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Okay, it's August 24th, so I started November 1st last year.
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How many months is that?
00:12:18.062 --> 00:12:19.485
Is that 10 months?
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Nine months, nine and a half.
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Okay, so nine and a half posting every day how much time do you actually like?
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You told me how you're editing.
00:12:32.227 --> 00:12:34.985
I would totally recommend to you checking out Descript.
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That's how I edit my podcasts.
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First of all, it does what your two tools do and it does it in one and it's very cheap.
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Like you press, I use this religiously.
00:12:46.226 --> 00:12:54.225
It is what has allowed me partly what has allowed me to grow so much over the last month is I switched this tool.
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I want to tell you about it.
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I'm not like there's no affiliate code attached to this I wish they would pay me but like I'm a power user of this tool.
00:13:04.850 --> 00:13:07.868
It's amazing when you go from not using it to using it.
00:13:08.980 --> 00:13:10.023
Most people they edit.
00:13:10.023 --> 00:13:11.929
Like you, they edit in the timeline.
00:13:11.929 --> 00:13:17.263
They have a timeline, they listen to it, they cut things out, they look at the timeline, they look at the timeline.
00:13:17.263 --> 00:13:20.488
Descript automatically transcribes everything.
00:13:20.488 --> 00:13:25.961
So instead of editing in the timeline, you edit the transcript kind of like a Word document, Like it's a.
00:13:25.961 --> 00:13:31.105
When you cut something out from the transcripts, from the transcript, it automatically reflects it in the timeline.
00:13:31.105 --> 00:13:31.988
That's number one.
00:13:31.988 --> 00:13:34.548
Number two they have a setting.
00:13:34.548 --> 00:13:38.730
This is a game changer, especially for you when you have on guests who don't sound that great.
00:13:38.730 --> 00:13:44.152
It's a single button and you click that button and it is enable studio sound.
00:13:44.152 --> 00:13:56.974
It's a single button, enable studio sound and it makes anybody with a room tone or low volume or peaking sound nice and it works so incredibly well.
00:13:56.974 --> 00:13:57.581
You can watch.
00:13:57.581 --> 00:13:59.107
You can watch it on YouTube.
00:13:59.107 --> 00:14:01.346
That is the power feature.
00:14:01.346 --> 00:14:03.606
That was the reason I started using it in the first place.
00:14:03.606 --> 00:14:05.923
It sounds so good.
00:14:05.923 --> 00:14:08.309
But editing in the transcript oh, the third one.
00:14:08.309 --> 00:14:11.807
The third one, oh my God, Game changer.
00:14:12.640 --> 00:14:17.971
Like before I had to edit, I had to record my videos and record them shot by shot by shot.
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Now I just record everything on one take.
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I go on a rant, Maybe I get confused, and there's like a two minute pause between what I said and what I'm saying.
00:14:29.061 --> 00:14:32.408
Next they have a feature to shorten word gaps.
00:14:32.408 --> 00:14:45.811
So you can take a word gap that is over, let's say, like half a second, and you can just cut any word gap that is over half a second, make it zero, or you can make the minimum word gap point five seconds or one second.
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So in all of my podcasts my podcasts are fast paced.
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The Edward Show, Amazing Show, that's my show.
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It's fast paced, just like how I'm talking now.
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My goal with the podcast is to get into hypnotizing rants like I am in right now.
00:15:00.033 --> 00:15:09.134
That is my goal with the podcast, and I have the setting on the shortened word gap thing set to 0.75 seconds.
00:15:09.134 --> 00:15:10.905
That's three quarters of a second.
00:15:10.905 --> 00:15:15.067
So there is no gap in my podcast.
00:15:15.067 --> 00:15:17.111
That is one second or more.
00:15:17.111 --> 00:15:31.990
Everything is under that and so it's fast paced and you can set things like that and it's so easy and it works so well and it has, oh my God, and it's changed my video as well.
00:15:31.990 --> 00:15:44.120
I record a video, I go on, I just talk, I talk to the camera, I switch it, I record my screen, Everything is transcribed.
00:15:44.120 --> 00:15:48.528
Editing with the transcript is just.
00:15:48.528 --> 00:15:50.493
I can't believe I didn't have this.
00:15:50.493 --> 00:16:02.307
I've wasted our days, months, months of time, time that was not saved because I wasn't switching to Descript and I knew about Descript years ago.
00:16:04.322 --> 00:16:16.231
So it's very inexpensive the time that you yeah, I am actually familiar with Descript, but I think the thing that you're saying that's probably relevant to everybody listening.
00:16:16.231 --> 00:16:17.462
You may not have a podcast.
00:16:18.325 --> 00:16:20.089
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:16:20.089 --> 00:16:22.554
Finding I got carried away.
00:16:22.554 --> 00:16:24.700
I apologize to everybody who doesn't have a podcast.
00:16:24.720 --> 00:16:30.861
Yeah, but it's like if you find a tool that helps you do what you're doing and which helps you to be consistent.
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I think you said it's helped you be consistent because it's made it all that much easier and more efficient for you, and I think that can be true.
00:16:39.065 --> 00:16:44.328
Whatever people are doing, what is the thing that makes it easier to be consistent?
00:16:44.328 --> 00:16:55.030
Having a vacuum cleaner is easier than sweeping everything with a dustpan and brush if you want to keep the place clean, and the same with whatever it is that you're doing.
00:16:55.030 --> 00:16:56.985
So you're round about Descript.
00:16:56.985 --> 00:17:06.571
If we took out Descript and put in whatever the tool is or whatever the functionality is, that would help any of the listeners with the thing that they're.
00:17:08.003 --> 00:17:20.429
That's the thing about consistency is, if I didn't commit to being consistent, I wouldn't have discovered a tool that would save me so much time and made it so much easier and made my videos and my podcasts so much better.
00:17:20.429 --> 00:17:34.646
And that's part of the reason why you get better, because the reality about being a human is every achievement gets old and then you want a new achievement, and so you're always getting better because of that.
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And when people will get bored with something because that achievement gets old and instead of trying to get a new personal best, they'll move on to something else and lose all the benefit that they would have gotten if they stuck with something.
00:17:47.660 --> 00:17:48.604
That's a very good point.
00:17:48.604 --> 00:17:54.961
So you're saying that a thing that can cause people to stop being consistent is if they get bored.
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But the fact that they've got bored means that they've reached that level and actually the next thing is to now choose the next level to go to, exactly, and you're really just drop it and go start somewhere else.
00:18:05.728 --> 00:18:18.244
Because I've done the same thing as you where I've gone okay, I'm bored, now I'm going to go and do something else but I've also done the other thing you're saying where I've said, okay, I'm bored at this level, how do I take it to the next level?
00:18:18.244 --> 00:18:22.568
So I know exactly the difference you're talking about.
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You want to hear something.
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You want to hear something.
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The reason I'm growing so much in the last month is because I got bored.
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I got bored, I was plateauing and I wasn't satisfied and I started.
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I was just looking everywhere thinking how do I take this to the next level?
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And so I think I've done that and I'll probably get bored again.
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But what was it that made you suddenly realize that consistency was so important?
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So in this was 2021, I didn't tell you this story on our pre-call.
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This is a good story.
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It was 2021 and a company that I thought was going to be successful hadn't been successful that by that point, and there was some drama with somebody that I was working with.
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I can't really go more into detail than that, but I was really in pain and a lot of pain, sleepless nights, all this pain.
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I was living in Kiev.
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I was living in Ukraine, which I actually.
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I'm from Brooklyn, new York, but I feel homesick for Kiev because I spent two years living there.
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I've missed that city so much.
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The most beautiful city, incredible city that I've lived in, and I had a lease that I started a month and a half before the war and I left 10 days before the war started.
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The airport that I flew out of was hit by a missile 10 days after I left and I've missed that city so much.
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But so this is February or March of 2021.
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I'm living in Kiev.
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I'm pretty despondent and I say you know, I got to take a hard look at my life, I got to take a hard look at my life, and so I go to a cafe nearby, near where I live and I sit there with I think it was a croissant and an Americano that was always what I love to get and I just typed.
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I just typed for two hours.
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I just wrote and journaled and just journaled stream of consciousness, journaling and what I did is I looked at every endeavor that I had and I asked myself why did this fail?
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And what would this have turned into had I not given up?
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And every single thing that I did I could have seen it turning into something huge.
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And then I realized, oh my God, like it wasn't the complete crystallization at that point, but I realized that everything I did would have turned into something huge.
00:21:01.142 --> 00:21:13.377
And then I think I really came to this realization, actually, like I started really internalizing it and vocalizing it.
00:21:14.095 --> 00:21:16.443
It was a year ago and I was back in New York City.
00:21:16.443 --> 00:21:20.241
I spent the last year abroad, but a year ago I was back here in New York City.
00:21:20.241 --> 00:21:26.463
I listened to this book called Content Inc and I think this book is really what did it?
00:21:26.463 --> 00:21:28.739
So the author.
00:21:28.739 --> 00:21:45.541
It's a tremendous book about how to grow by making content, how to make a living making content, how to make millions of dollars honestly, and I believe everything that he says and this is basically the Content Inc method you have four variables.
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The first variable is your niche.
00:21:48.320 --> 00:21:49.759
What is your niche?
00:21:49.759 --> 00:21:53.463
I'm gonna ask you, catherine, what is your niche?
00:21:55.375 --> 00:21:55.998
I have no idea.
00:21:55.998 --> 00:21:59.097
I think that's a fact.
00:21:59.875 --> 00:22:06.279
Okay, so we're not gonna do this for Catherine, but I'm gonna still tell you the Content Inc method, cause it really helped me.
00:22:06.279 --> 00:22:11.577
The Content Inc method is first variable what is your niche?
00:22:11.577 --> 00:22:17.126
The second variable is like or define a niche.
00:22:17.126 --> 00:22:22.641
The second is by the way, you can discover yourself as you go.
00:22:22.641 --> 00:22:40.243
But if you just pick something, I actually understand this now If you literally just pick something and stick with that, if it's something that you have interests in, like interior design or paintings or a certain style of paintings, like it really works.
00:22:40.243 --> 00:22:41.559
It really works well.
00:22:41.559 --> 00:22:44.103
It's like so guaranteed to work, but it's okay.
00:22:44.103 --> 00:22:47.924
Let me, before I tell you why it's guaranteed to work.
00:22:47.924 --> 00:22:51.884
I'm just gonna tell you what it is Four variables niche what is your niche?
00:22:52.095 --> 00:22:53.299
Then spin on the niche.
00:22:53.299 --> 00:22:56.263
So, narrow in a bit more.
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Your spin could be like you're a doctor who's talking about interior design that reminds you of the human body, like something that makes it more specific.
00:23:09.363 --> 00:23:11.000
That's a spin on the niche.
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And then you have your platform.
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So what platform are you most active on?
00:23:16.063 --> 00:23:17.820
In my case, that's TikTok.
00:23:17.820 --> 00:23:21.202
And then, what is your content type?